Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 192

No one disputes the necessity to make our bridges and highways safe and to take all reasonable steps to repair them. But funds for that purpose are already available.

Since 1989, through Proposition 111, we have increased the gas tax by $.09 per gallon; when is enough enough? How about a more efficient use of funds already available? Our fragile State economy cannot withstand another tax increase.

California has always used current revenues for road and bridge building, repairs and maintenance. Proposition 192 seeks to trick taxpayers into approving expensive debt financing which will be used to subsidize new highway construction. We should not turn to long-term debt for these purposes. Furthermore, California's bonded indebtedness is already at a dangerous level; this measure will likely further erode our bond rating and increase the interest rate we pay on all debt as it is refinanced.

The Legislature is playing games with this measure. The Legislature has ordered that this measure be placed on the March ballot and, if it fails, has ordered that it be placed on the November ballot, as well.

National Tax Limitation Committee
Alliance of California Taxpayers and Involved Voters
People's Advocate
Planning and Conservation League
Sierra Club
all urge you to vote NO on PROPOSITION 192

Assemblyman, 3rd District

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