1998 California Primary Election
Candidate Statements
  • As chief fiscal officer, acts as the state's accountant and bookkeeper of all public funds.
  • Administers the state payroll system and unclaimed property laws.
  • Serves on numerous boards and commissions including the Board of Equalization and the Board of Control.
  • Conducts audits and reviews of state operations.
Candidate Photo W. Snow Hume
P.O. Box 6359
Fullerton, CA 92834
(714) 879-4863
I am a graduate of Yale University and am a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Most of my work as a CPA is fraud investigation. As your State Controller, I can utilize my skills as an accountant to ensure that the bureaucrats and politicians in Sacramento don't waste or misuse your tax dollars. I have also consulted to the Rose Institute in Claremont about local governments' budgets and spending. As a "grass roots" activist, I have successfully opposed local sales and utility tax increases. I'm a proven tax fighter, a CPA and a fraud investigator--not a politician.
E-Mail: hume4controller@hotmail.com
Candidate Photo Iris Adam
Natural Law
4965 Paseo Dali
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 509-7555
I am Manager of the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine. My vision is for prevention-oriented government, conflict-free politics and proven solutions to America's economic problems by cutting taxes deeply and responsibly while simultaneously balancing the budget through cost-effective solutions to America's problems, rather than by cutting essential services. Extensive scientific research and decades of experience in the public and private sectors show that technologies that harness natural law--nature's intelligence--can solve the critical problems and improve the quality of life for everyone in society.
Web Site: www.natural-law.org/
Candidate Photo C.T. Weber
Peace and Freedom
9616 Caminito Tizona
San Diego, CA 92126-4103
(619) 530-0454
I received my Master's in Public Administration from California State University--Long Beach. I have been working as an analyst for 15 years with the State of California, auditing the financial records and investigating the operations of transportation companies. An activist for justice and human dignity in California State Employees Association, local 1000, SEIU, I was elected president and chief steward on the local level before being elected three times to the State Board of Directors. I belong to ACLU, Common Cause, NAACP, NOW, Sierra Club, and am director of VOTER'S which promotes Proportional Representation. I am married to the lovely Tatiana.
Candidate Photo Kathleen Connell
1640 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 216
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 477-7707
I came to the Controller's office from a successful career in business, education and finance. I promised to bring accountability to state finances. I've kept my promise . I cut bureaucracy in the Controller's office by 13% and spending by $16 million. I targeted waste and fraud in Medi-Cal, corrections and the state lottery. My auditors identified more than a billion dollars in potential savings --money now available for better schools and health care. I've used my financial expertise to help state pension funds earn record profits for retirees. Now, with your help, I'll require strict performance audits across state government.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Ruben Barrales
(650) 366-2312
I'm a proven advocate for taxpayers . As a businessman, I've experienced the burdens of unreasonable taxes and regulations. As a County Supervisor, I passed California's first county debt limit and reformed a $1.4 billion pension and investment fund--increasing financial safety and our return. I've championed education reform , creating one of California's first charter schools with smaller classes and more accountability. As Controller, my Taxpayer Protection Plan will save you money by cutting taxes and eliminating waste. Please join Attorney General Lungren, Treasurer Fong, President Ford, Governor Deukmejian, Jack Kemp, and Steve Forbes in supporting my campaign against government waste.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Alfred (Al) L. Burgess
American Independent
I was born, raised and educated in California and have lived here all my life. I am married, have two children and four grandchildren. I have been a successful business owner for the past 30 years. I believe the running of the state is much like that of a business, and with my business experience I feel I am qualified to be State Controller. As the State Controller, I will do everything within my power to assure that our tax dollars are spent in a responsible, accountable manner, within budget.
Candidate Photo Denise L. Jackson
The United States was built on the concept of citizen government. We drifted away from rule by voting citizens to rule by career politicians. Professional politicians frequently ignore concerns of voting citizens while listening to special interest money. As State Controller, I will use the auditing tools of the office to help reverse this trend. I am a systems analyst with 25 years experience in business and financial applications. I support fiscal responsibility and accountability in government. We must work together to make government responsible to its citizens. Reform in government will come when citizens vote for reform.
E-Mail: mpmp92a@prodigy.com
The order of the candidates was determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Submission of statements was voluntary. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.