1998 California Primary Election
Candidate Statements
Lieutenant Governor
  • Assumes the office and duties of Governor in the case of impeachment, death, resignation, removal from office or absence from the state.
  • Serves as President of and presides over the State Senate and has a tie-breaking vote.
  • Chairs the Economic Development Commission, is a member of the State Lands Commission and sits on the boards of the California university systems.
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of the California State World Trade Commission.
Candidate Photo Noel Irwin Hentschel
6053 West Century Blvd., Suite 700
Los Angeles, CA 90045
(310) 649-1998
I am a native Californian. Twenty years ago, I started AmericanTours International with $5,000. Today, my company brings more than 500,000 international visitors to America, generating billions of dollars annually into our economy, which provides thousands of Californians with jobs. The Lt. Governor chairs the Commission for Economic Development. My strong business background in international trade and tourism, two of California's leading industries, will help drive our state's economic growth. I am a Reagan Republican, committed to the values of faith and family. I will bring real world experience and a strong work ethic to the office of Lt. Governor.
Web Site: www.TeamNoel.org
Candidate Photo Sara Amir
P.O. Box 3727
Oakland, CA 94609
As an immigrant, I especially appreciate the many opportunities of life in California. But as an environmental scientist working to cleanup some of California's most polluted land, I also know the appalling results of a system which values corporate profit and wasteful consumption over a safe, protected environment. As the Green Lt. Governor candidate, I'm committed to grass-roots democracy: support for small business; local control of our economies and schools; social and environmental justice; universal health-care; and a politics of compassion which recognizes that ecological sustainability is the foundation of a strong economy and peaceful world.
E-Mail: green-cal98@greens.org
Candidate Photo Tony Miller
2410 K Street, Suite C
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 447-2463
Teaming up with AARP, League of Women Voters, Common Cause and United We Stand America to limit campaign contributions and spending, I co-authored Proposition 208, the Political Reform Act approved by 61.3% of the voters. As California's Acting Secretary of State and Fair Political Practices Commissioner, I fought for political reforms. I support term limits and letting voters choose "none-of-the-above." I've been a teacher, criminal investigator, firefighter, farmer and small businessman. Former Secretary of State March Fong Eu heads my campaign. As Lt. Governor, I'll keep fighting for political reforms to make government more open and honest.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo James J. Mangia
7985 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 22
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(213) 694-2492
The people of California need an independent watchdog to make sure state government is working for us and not big money special interests. I'm an independent candidate for Lt. Governor on the Reform Party ticket. If we elect an independent the office can become that non-partisan advocate for the people. In initiative after initiative, election after election, Californians cast their ballots for political reform--term limits, campaign finance reform and open primaries. Yet the politicians keep suing to have these reforms overturned! Let's put an independent in state government to protect our political reforms and keep the professional politicians accountable.
Web Site: www.jimmangia.com
Candidate Photo George M. McCoy
American Independent
I George M. McCoy am a candidate for the office of Lt. Governor on the American Independent Party. I have been a member of my party since I first registered to vote. I am a California Contractor and businessman in San Diego and Riverside counties. I have viewed with alarm for many years now the increasing burden of government on the lives of the middle working class and small business owners. I will strive as Lt. Governor to restore government to it's proper function as laid out in our constitution.
Candidate Photo Richard "Dick" Mountjoy
P.O. Box 877
Monrovia, CA 91017
(626) 357-0910
I will always fight for my principles. I don't cast votes for donations. I authored Proposition 187 that disallowed benefits to illegal aliens because I knew it was the right thing to do. I oppose tax increases. I fought to reform Workers' Compensation to create jobs. I oppose abortions. I have led the fight against Smog Check II , which will cause many to lose their cars, and MTBE , a gasoline toxin contaminating our drinking water. I am not afraid to say that I have a deep belief in my Christian religion. As your Lieutenant Governor, I will provide active leadership.
Web Site: www.wordpr.com/mountjoy/
Candidate Photo Larry K. Reed
P.O. Box 338
Riverside County, CA 91752
(909) 681-2338
I have been a resident of California for over 43 years. I have worked as both a journeyman and laborer in the field of music and construction. In addition, I have studied and passed over 17 courses in Private Investigation and the Administration of Justice. I will make it a priority to reduce the threat of violence, corruption and crime that has bred a feeling of instability in our life and resources. I will insist that our privacy, identities, and right to live without fear of losing life and limb is again secure. Sincerely, God Bless America! Larry Reed
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Thomas M. Tryon
I'm a graduate of UC Berkeley with a B.A. degree in economics. After completion of military service, I graduated from the University of Chicago with an M.B.A. I currently am a member of the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors and concurrently manage the family ranching business. I strongly believe the free market process which is based on private property rights and voluntary exchange is clearly the best method for allocating scarce economic resources. I also am a committed civil libertarian and believe our liberties which are protected by the Constitution, most particularly the Bill of Rights, should be upheld.
Candidate Photo Cruz M. Bustamante
1700 L Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 441-1175
As Assembly Speaker, my work with Republicans and Democrats has been good for California's working families. We cut middle class income taxes--the first time in 50 years. We lowered class sizes to 20 students in first through third grades. We cut university and college fees 5%. We moved 462,000 people off welfare. We cut crime by attacking gangs and illegal guns. I support a woman's right to choose. I earned a 1200 rating from California's League of Conservation Voters. And I wrote the law requiring the Attorney General to sue tobacco companies. I appreciate your consideration for Lieutenant Governor.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Jaime Luis Gomez
Peace and Freedom
2140 Reservoir Street, #7
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-5437
As an educator with a background in business, and as your Peace and Freedom candidate for Lieutenant Governor, I feel strongly about the need to humanize California's spending priorities. I believe the doors of education and health care should be open to all our residents. I believe everybody has a right to a free, high quality education. I believe everybody has a right to free, high quality health care. I believe everybody has the right to a decent job with decent wages. And I believe we are entitled to clean, safe environments.
E-Mail: gomez@peaceandfreedom.org
Candidate Photo Regina Lark
Peace and Freedom
10153 Riverside Drive, #374
Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2533
(818) 830-2794
I hold a Master's Degree in history from CSU, Northridge and I am currently completing a Ph.D. at USC in the fields of U.S. Women's History, U.S. Immigration/Ethnicity, Asian American History, and Feminist Theory. I teach at Los Angeles Pierce College, and I am currently coordinator of Women's Studies at Mt. St. Mary's College, L.A. As Lieutenant Governor of California I pledge my commitment to social justice and immigrant rights. On the Board of Regents, I will defend Affirmative Action, Lesbian and Gay rights, and the rights of all unionized employees (and those who demand it) within the university system.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Ingrid Lundberg
P.O. Box 97
Richvale, CA 95974
(916) 421-9547
I am a fourth-generation Californian and have been involved in grassroots politics for 18 years. I earned a bachelor's degree in political science from the University of California and a master's degree in public policy. I have experience in many levels of state and national government, including political campaigns, lobbying groups, and governmental agencies. I am an owner of an international organic and gourmet rice products company, Lundberg Family Farms. California is the best place in the world to live and I want to see its opportunities protected and expanded for this generation and the generations to come.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Tim Leslie
915 L Street, Suite C412
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 443-2398
I'm a conservative Republican, Senator, businessman, and father of two who advocates longer school years and back to business education. I'll work to ensure all children graduate knowing how to read, write and speak in English. I'll fight to stop illegal immigration. In the Senate, I co-authored juvenile crime reforms as well as measures to reduce class sizes and keep sex offenders out of schools. I wrote legislation requiring parental consent for minor's abortions and will vigorously oppose partial birth abortion. To fight crime, I authored a law giving prosecutors new tools to help convict gang murderers.
Web Site: www.TimLeslie98.org
The order of the candidates was determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Submission of statements was voluntary. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.