Green Party principles are expressed in 10 Key Values:
Ecological Wisdom
Social Justice
Respect for Diversity
Community-Based Economics
Personal and Global Responsibility
Grassroots Democracy
We advocate:
- Nonviolence and preservation of civil liberties.
- Increased education funding, and allowing local schools to innovate.
- Proven bilingual education programs, and increased language training for all students.
- Protecting children and youth from discrimination and exploitation.
- Universal health care, including holistic and mental health.
- Reproductive choice.
- True Living Wage, and workers' right to organize.
- Ending the death penalty.
- A moratorium on prison construction.
- Decriminalizing drug use, and instead funding proven treatment programs.
- Affirmative action programs.
- Eliminating discrimination based on race, sex, age and disability.
- Increasing assistance program funding to sustainable income levels.
- Ending immigrant bashing and racial profiling.
- Supporting the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people.
- Converting California's economy to long-term ecological sustainability.
- Taxing pollution, nonrenewable energy and waste, rather than labor.
- Ending corporate welfare.
- Campaign finance reform reducing the influence of money in politics.
- Electoral reform, particularly instant runoff voting and proportional representation.
- Increasing public transit.
- Ecologically sustainable land-use.
- Protecting and promoting family and organic farming.
- Energy conservation and renewable energy.
- Preserving old-growth forests.
- Ending nuclear power.
P.O. Box 2828
Sacramento, CA 95812
E-mail: gpca@greens.org
Website: http://www.cagreens.org
Statements were supplied by political parties and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.