Voter Registration Information

Voter Registration Hotline: 1-800-345-VOTE

To be eligible to register and vote in California, you must: While voter registration is continuous, in order to be eligible to vote in an up-coming election you must register to vote no later than 29 days before the election. For the November 5, 1996 Presidential Election the last day to register is October 7.

Forms are available in a number of locations or by calling Secretary of State Bill Jones' Voter Registration Hotline at 1-800-345-VOTE. There is also a Spanish-language registration hotline at 1-800-232-VOTA. Secretary Jones is committed to 100% participation by eligible citizens, so do your part -- register, and encourage your eligible friends, neighbors, family members, and co-workers to register to vote today!

Registration forms are also available from your county clerk or registrar of voters. You may find their phone numbers under " Voter Information" on this web site. You can also frequently find forms at public libraries, post offices, Department of Motor Vehicles offices, and many other government offices.

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