Nearly 1,100 of the state's 12,000 bridges and highway overcrossings in every part of the state have been identified as still potentially unsafe in a moderate-to-large quake. PROPOSITION 192 WILL PROVIDE THE MONEY TO FIX THOSE SPANS WITHIN THE NEXT TWO YEARS AND ASSURE THAT OUR HIGHWAYS REMAIN OPEN FOLLOWING A QUAKE.
Proposition 192 will increase public safety. The Northridge quake demonstrated that retrofitting works. EVERY STRUCTURE REINFORCED PRIOR TO THAT EARTHQUAKE SURVIVED. With Proposition 192 we will be able to finish the safety repairs much sooner and help assure the security of the highway systems we depend upon to move emergency relief and keep commerce flowing after a disaster.
Proposition 192 makes economic sense. Retrofitting bridges and overpasses to withstand earthquakes costs only one-tenth as much as rebuilding collapsed structures after a quake.
Proposition 192 is endorsed by the California Taxpayers Association. California taxpayer's may avoid the kind of tax increase imposed after the Loma Prieta quake if we strengthen our bridges and overpasses now. Proposition 192 also protects our investment by making it illegal for the Legislature or state highway officials to use these earthquake safety funds for any other purpose. The state Auditor General is required to review and report to the public every year to ensure that funds are being spent only on seismic retrofit.
Californians have an enormous investment in our highway system. Proposition 192 protects that investment.
Listen to the seismic and safety experts.
Former Governor, State of California
Professor Emeritus, California Institute of Technology
Former Commissioner, California Highway Patrol