Proposition 193 is nothing more than a proposal to fix a small, but important, problem in current property tax law. Penalizing segments of vulnerable citizens via our tax laws, such as children who have lost both of their parents, is unfair and immoral. The fact that these children have had to go through the most tragic of circumstances in losing the love and nurture of their parents is hardly grounds for labeling them as ``privileged.'' If anything, these children are severely UNDER-privileged, and deserve our special concern.
Proposition 193 is fair. It is a fair solution for a specific problem that affects perhaps the smallest number of people in the narrowest of circumstances. But to those few who are faced with such circumstances, Proposition 193 will be of great and lasting benefit.
Under current law, the transfer of property from parent to child is a proper way of providing and safeguarding a child's welfare and future in an increasingly costly society. Similarly, allowing grandparents to provide for grandchildren where parents have died is just as proper.
To argue against Proposition 193 is to argue that our government should discourage families from providing for the well-being of children in every way possible! No moral society would accept that argument and that is why Proposition 193 is necessary.
Please support a fair and just property tax system. Vote YES on Proposition 193.
Assemblyman, 4th District
Assemblyman, 44th District
Senator, 4th District