California's wildlife should be protected by experts at the Department of Fish and Game, and not be a political pawn of special interest groups. Proposition 197 does just that. It returns control of the mountain lion to the experts.
In 1990, control of the mountain lion was removed from wildlife experts. That was a mistake. As usual, politicians in charge have done nothing to fix the problem. This predator has outgrown its habitat; deer and elk herds, as well as Big Horn sheep, have been over-killed by lions; livestock have been killed, costing consumers millions of dollars; pets have become common prey for hungry lions in populated areas; and, we now have confirmed deaths of people killed by mountain lions near populated areas.
California's mountain lion population has grown to dangerous levels in recent years, and Fish and Game experts across the state agree a lack of management is the principal reason. The California lion is not an endangered species--its population has actually doubled in recent years. Proposition 197 allows the Department of Fish and Game to create and adopt a plan keeping the proper environmental balance and insuring the safety of people in residential and recreational areas.
Proposition 197 is supported by a broad coalition of wildlife experts, Fish and Game officials, agricultural leaders, and law enforcement who want to preserve the delicate balance of nature.
In recent years the lion population has grown so fast they have outgrown their food supply. Desperate for food, lions are being forced out of their natural habitat into existing residential and commercial developments where children and pets are in severe danger. A rural school district won't let children leave the school bus alone; parents in some towns were advised not to allow small children to go outside alone; and a lion had to be killed after attacking police officers in the parking lot of a popular San Bernardino mall.
Proposition 197 allows the Department of Fish and Game to do what it does best--manage the state's lion population to preserve the delicate balance between man and nature. This wildlife protection measure is intended to protect not only the mountain lion, but also the people, livestock, and pets from inhumane slaughter.
Please vote yes on Proposition 197. Vote to protect the public from dangerous predators; vote to allow wildlife experts do their job; and vote to restore common sense to wildlife management.
Former Director, California Department of Fish and Game
Wildlife Habitat Ecologist
When a mountain lion killed a young mother of two children while she was jogging near her home, I knew it was time we had to bring some common sense wildlife management to this problem. As her State Senator, it would be horrible for her death to be in vain.
People tried to make political gain out of the mountain lion, instead of relying on the experts to manage these animals. That's why I received overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Legislature for Proposition 197--giving the experts at Fish and Game the responsibility of taking care of California's wildlife so we can all live together safely.
Author of Proposition 197