Proponents claim Proposition 203 won't raise taxes. Where do they think the money will come from to pay $5.4 BILLION in principal and interest over 20 years? From the taxpayers, of course. Bonds are NOT free money!
Proponents claim Proposition 203 will create jobs. Government jobs are created at the expense of private sector jobs. If a business has to pay higher taxes, it has less money to hire more employees. The way to create more jobs is for the Legislature and Governor Wilson to cut taxes, cut government spending and repeal regulations that have made California the nation's most anti-business, anti- growth state. If these politicians would repeal some laws instead of passing 1,000 new ones (in 1995 alone), our economy could start growing again.
There are already millions of square feet of vacant commercial real estate in California. Why can't school districts lease existing buildings instead of undertaking this massive public works boondoggle? Students could immediately move out of overcrowded classrooms and enjoy modern facilities. Instead, if Proposition 203 passes, peoples' homes will be condemned and torn down to make room for new schools.
Half the state's budget goes to education already. 64% of the education budget never makes it past the bureaucracy into the classrooms. Public schools employ 127 non-teachers for every teacher, while private schools only employ 16 non-teachers per 100 teachers. Proposition 203 means more money to bureaucrats, not students.
Say NO to massive bond debt. Vote NO on Proposition 203.
Chair, Libertarian Party of California
Member, Executive Committee, Libertarian Party
of California