No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Official Title and Summary
Prepared by the Attorney General
Text of Proposition
- Requires insurer to pay benefits regardless of who is at fault in most motor veh
icle accidents. Suit against another driver prohibited unless specified crime or
hazard proven.
- Requires at least $50,000 and up to $1,000,000 vehicle-owner insurance for per
sonal injury protection; optional coverage to $5,000,000. Minimum coverage permi
tted with waiver of full benefits.
- Generally covers vehicle occupants, pedestrians, bicyclists.
- Requires insurance benefits for medical and rehabilitation costs, wage loss, r
eplacement services, and death. Supplemental optional coverage available.
- Generally requires benefit payment within 30 days or mandates arbitration.
- Incorporates health care fee limits.
Summary of Legislative Analyst's
Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
- State and local government savings in health care and other expenditures potenti
ally over
$100 million annually.
- State and local government loss in motor vehicle registration and insurance ta
x revenues in the tens of millions of dollars annually, potentially exceeding $1
00 million annually.
- State costs to implement the measure of about $15 million (one-time), with adm
inistrative costs of about $10 million annually thereafter.
- The measure's fiscal effect would vary by governmental entity. The net fiscal
impact on the public sector as a whole is unknown.
Analysis by the Legislative Analyst
Argument in Favor of Proposition 200
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 200
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 200
Argument Against Proposition 200
Rebuttal to Argument Against Proposition 200

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