1998 California General Election
Candidate Statements
Candidate Photo Edmon V. Kaiser
American Independent
6278 N. Spalding Ave.
Fresno, CA 93710-5722
(209) 432-7964
I am able to serve. I am willing to serve, (for a limited time). I do not seek this office for the purpose of furthering my career in politics. I am interested in the proper functioning of government agencies for the benefit of all constituencies. I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, mostly retired after forty years in the health care profession. I am an Army Air Corp Veteran of W. W. II. I am a native Californian. I am or have been an active member of patriotic organizations, labor unions, Lions Club, Moose Fraternity, a county taxpayers association, and professional organizations. I have considerable knowledge of economics and government. My marriage of more than fifty years was ended by the death of my wife in 1996. It has been stated that I am a Christian gentleman. I am a gentleman due to good teachers who taught me good things, and as an air crew officer candidate, declared a gentleman by an act of congress. I am Christian by choice, responding to the wonderful mercy, grace, and love of Almighty God. Please investigate and support The American Independent Party. For State Treasurer, Be Wiser! Vote Ed Kaiser.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Jan B. Tucker
Peace and Freedom
10153½ Riverside Dr., #374
Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2533
(818) 830-2794, Ext. #4
I graduated cum laude , B.A. in Political Science & Chicano Studies, 1977 and completed 22 units, 4.0 GPA towards M.A. special major, CSU Northridge. I'm Co-President of San Fernando Valley NOW, Political Action Chairperson of SFV NAACP, Vice-President of Save the Animals Fund, L.A. County Federation of Labor Delegate for Newspaper Guild, Communication Workers of America. Our State Teacher Retirement System is 10th largest investor in UNOCAL, which economically supports the Turkish blockade of Armenia and attacks on Kurds, Burmese dictatorship, anti-woman Afghan Taliban government. I'll oppose UNOCAL with stockholder resolutions or divestiture if necessary. I'll use California's economic investment power to attack MediaNews Group union busting/sex discrimination at Oakland Tribune, L.A. Daily News, Long Beach Press Telegram and oppose companies blocking unionization by the United Farmworkers of agricultural workers. I won't tolerate investment in companies which discriminate, harm the environment, permit sexual harassment, or fight unionization. California pensions should vote to break the "glass ceiling" keeping women/minorities off corporate boards. I've proposed legislation to prohibit California cities from licensing suspended corporations. This will stop the Los Angeles Police Commission from licensing corporations that owe millions in back taxes to California, making them pay or shut down.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Jon Petersen
10749 Pine Hill Drive
Grass Valley, CA 95945-8728
(530) 272-9320
As an experienced treasurer, manager, computer programmer, and leader, I have worked with financial systems, community groups, statewide organizations, economic development, and city budgets. I am well prepared to be California's next State Treasurer. As your treasurer, I will adopt policies that put more money in your pocket, enhance cordial relations among diverse communities, reduce government interference in your affairs, foster individual rights, monitor all bonds, and challenge every lease-revenue bond having no direct revenue source. Leading by example, the Treasurer's office will trim the size and scope of government. Natural attrition and competitive contracting will reduce costs without reducing efficiency. Above all, the Treasurer's office will respect each individual while serving the public. Further, I pledge to join voters in creating abundance and harmony for all. In 1996 the Libertarian Party was the only one to endorse both the medical marijuana and equal rights initiatives. I think that shows how well the Libertarian Party is in tune with the voters, and I am proud to have produced abundance and harmony there. Now, as then, you can help make abundance and harmony truly be for all--Vote Libertarian--Vote "Jon Petersen for State Treasurer!"
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Curt Pringle
12865 Main Street, 101
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 539-7605
My fiscally conservative record as the Speaker of the California State Assembly and my private sector experience as a small businessman are the best qualifications for State Treasurer. As Assembly Speaker, we improved the business climate for job creation, cut the state income tax, reduced class sizes in our schools, and got tough on criminals--resulting in a drop in the crime rate. In addition, we saved taxpayer dollars by cutting government spending and reforming welfare--saving millions more. I am most proud of the $1 billion tax cut I successfully negotiated that will reduce the tax burden on California's families. I will continue my commitment to serving the taxpayers of California as your State Treasurer. As treasurer you can count on me to ensure your tax dollars are used conservatively and wisely. We will prudently invest in the California dream and expand opportunities for families to control their own futures. Government can and should do its job and provide better services to taxpayers for less money. I have been endorsed by the current State Treasurer, Matt Fong, and taxpayer groups from throughout California. I hope I have earned your trust and support as well.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo J. Carlos Aguirre
Natural Law
I am a Vice President and co-founder of a 17-year old Santa Ana-based mailing service company now producing $9 million annually in revenue. My instrumental role in creating and growing the business and my current responsibilities as Vice President, have given me extensive experience in managing investments and improving corporate efficiency. As Treasurer I will cut wasteful government spending and invest your tax dollars to maximize revenue--revenue that can support proven, prevention-oriented solutions to California's problems. As a native Californian with a 7-year old in public schools, I am deeply committed to accomplishing these goals.
Candidate Photo Phil Angelides
2424 K Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 448-1998
Protecting your tax dollars and investing more in California will be my top priorities as Treasurer. As an experienced financial manager, I will work to save millions of dollars by cutting waste, investing wisely, and restoring our credit rating (now third worst in the nation). Since 1993, over $30 billion of our State's portfolio has been invested overseas, often in unstable and risky places, with much lower yields than domestic investments. I will put California first--investing funds safely and building our economy. My eight years in state government, working on budget and finance matters, and my fourteen years in the private sector, building my own successful investment company, have prepared me to serve as Treasurer. My financial management skills will enable me to cost effectively finance our state's school repair and construction needs and critical traffic improvements. My wife Julie and I, and our three daughters, are native Californians. I am proud of my community efforts to improve our schools, parks, and public library. I am appreciative of the 3.4 million votes which I received for Treasurer in 1994. I am endorsed by California's teachers, firefighters, organizations representing over 100,000 police officers, and business leaders from both parties.
Web Site:
The order of the candidates was determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Submission of statements was voluntary. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.