Limiting Congressional Terms. Proposed U.S. Constitutional Amendment. Initiative Statute. | ||
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 225 |
When we were younger, many employers had rules that said you had to retire at 60. Now that's illegal and we all know senior Californians do great work. Who says it's a great idea to toss out our elected officials after only 6 years? Toss them out when they fail to perform, not because they reach a certain number of years.
Don't term limits discriminate? If an elected official is doing the job, maybe doing a great job, why throw them out?
Don't be fooled, term limits are about POWER and who controls our government. Under term limits, Corporations will decide, through their campaign money and smooth talking lobbyists, who will control our government. Without term limits we will have our current system, WHICH IS NOT PERFECT, BUT IS NOT BROKEN EITHER!
California's recent prosperity could be washed away if term limits are enacted. A new group in Congress would be elected, more beholden to the Corporations and Lobbyists than us, the taxpayers. Don't relinquish our financial gains for a moment of anger at politicians, or the urge to "throw the bums out." The next group of elected officials can give it all away to their very rich friends and Corporations.
Let us Californians use this opportunity to say NO to term limits, once and for all.
Vote No to a bad law that even its supporters declare is unconstitutional!!!
Vote No On Proposition 225!
President, Sacramento City Taxpayers' Rights League