1998 California Primary Election
Candidate Statements
  • As the state's banker, manages the state's investments.
  • Administers the sale of state bonds and notes and is the investment officer for most state funds.
  • Chairs or serves on several commissions, most of which relate to the marketing of bonds.
  • Pays out state funds when spent by the Controller and other state agencies.
Candidate Photo Edmon V. Kaiser
American Independent
6278 N. Spalding Ave.
Fresno, CA 93710
(209) 432-7964
I am a Christian gentleman with above average intelligence. I believe in and I advocate the precepts and principles that caused America to become the greatest nation of free people in all human history. By experience and education I am qualified to serve in the office I am seeking. I am one of the authors of The American Independent Party Platform which is the formula for restoring and saving our Constitutional Republic of free people governing ourselves.
Candidate Photo Phil Angelides
2424 K Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95816
(916) 448-1998
I will save Californians millions of dollars by restoring our state's credit rating and cutting costs. I will cost effectively finance new schools; invest more in California's economy; and help families save and invest for their future. These goals comprise my California Futures program. I am an experienced businessman, with proven financial management skills. My wife Julie and I are proud of our community efforts to improve our schools, parks, and public library. I am endorsed by Senators Feinstein and Boxer. As Treasurer, I will help build a financially strong state for my three daughters and for every Californian.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo J. Carlos Aguirre
Natural Law
I am a Vice President and co-founder of a 17-year old Santa Ana-based mailing service company now producing $9 million annually in revenue. My instrumental role in creating and growing the business and my current responsibilities as Vice President, have given me extensive experience in managing investments and improving corporate efficiency. As Treasurer I will cut wasteful government spending and invest your tax dollars to maximize revenue--revenue that can support proven, prevention-oriented solutions to California's problems. As a native Californian with a 7-year old in public schools, I am deeply committed to accomplishing these goals.
Candidate Photo Curt Pringle
12865 Main Street, #101
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 539-7605
My conservative record as the Republican Speaker in the State Assembly, authoring legislation cutting California taxes by over $1 billion and my private sector experience as a small businessman are the best qualifications for State Treasurer. While I was Republican leader, we cut wasteful government spending, improved the business climate for job creation, cut the state income tax for families and businesses, reduced class size and brought phonics-based reading to our schools, and got tough on criminals. I've been endorsed by Republican leaders throughout California, including the current Treasurer. I hope that I have earned your trust and support.
Web Site: www.pringle.org
Candidate Photo Jon Petersen
141 Hayes Avenue
San Jose, CA 95123-2124
(408) 229-1726
First, thank you for the 335,000 votes you gave me four years ago. I deeply appreciate it. As an experienced treasurer and manager, drawing upon my leadership and involvement with community groups, city budgets, economic development, and statewide organizations, I envision a future where government respects each individual while truly serving the public. As a first step, I would put the Treasurer's Office on a fat-free diet. Leading by example, we would trim bureaucracy through natural attrition, competitive contracting, and pay-as-you-go funding. Please join me in sharing that vision.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Mervin Evans
P.O. Box 205
Culver City, CA 90232
(213) 506-0523
Dear Fellow Californians: Your vote will decide California's future! I welcome your involvement in my campaign! I am proud to be the Proponent of the Bear & Wilderness Protection Act ! This November we are going to end commercial bear poaching. California must restore her Great State Parks, The People's Real Estate! Together We Protect California's: Redwoods, Beaches, Oceans, Rivers, and Lakes! Like you, I am opposed to any development in Bosa Chica, Playa Vista or California's Desert or Wilderness! Jobs--Not Jails! Quality Education! Senior Protective Services! Children Services! Economic Development is critical to California's future.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Jan B. Tucker
Peace and Freedom
10153 Riverside Dr., #374
Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2533
(818) 830-2794
I graduated in Political Science & Chicano Studies; Board member: SFV-N.O.W., SFV-N.A.A.C.P., Save the Animals Fund; L.A. County Federation of Labor Delegate, Newspaper Guild. I'll oppose by California pension divestiture/stockholder resolutions: UNOCAL support for Turkish blockade of Armenia, Burmese dictatorship, anti-woman Afghan Taliban government; MediaNews Group union busting/sex discrimination at Oakland Tribune, L.A. Daily News, Long Beach Press Telegram; Rite-Aid union busting against ILWU Local 26. I won't tolerate investment in companies which discriminate, harm the environment, permit sexual harassment, or fight unionization. California pensions should vote to break the "glass ceiling" keeping women/minorities off corporate boards.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Jan Goldsmith
12307 Oak Knoll Road, #A
Poway, CA 92064
(619) 513-1301
To hold government accountable and protect your tax money, I'll invest carefully, fight waste and issue financial reports in "plain English." As a member of the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission , I wrote strict new rules to make sure taxpayer rip-offs like the Orange County bankruptcy never happen again. I protected investors against fraud as an arbitration judge, and fought welfare and MediCal fraud as a legislator. My welfare reform law has saved taxpayers $200 million. I graduated from American University and the University of San Diego. My wife, Christine, and I have been married 23 years and have three children.
Web Site:
The order of the candidates was determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Submission of statements was voluntary. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.