1998 California Primary Election
Candidate Statements
U.S. Senator
  • One of two U.S. Senators who represent California's interests in the Senate in Washington, D.C.
  • Proposes and votes on new national laws.
  • As a U.S. Senator, votes on confirming federal judges and U.S. Supreme Court Justices.
Candidate Photo Darrell Issa
550 West Vista Way, Suite 200
Vista, CA 92083
(760) 414-1998
I'm a businessman, not a politician. Special interests have too much influence in Washington--I want to change that. I will not accept special interest money. I will take to the Senate the values, beliefs and experience earned during a decade of military service and 16 years building a $7,000 investment into a $75 million a year hi-tech business. My beliefs are based on five principles. Taxes are too high. Government is too big. Criminals must be punished. For America to remain free, we must remain strong. I trust the individual. If you agree, I'd like your vote.
Web Site: www.issa98.com
Candidate Photo Frank D. Riggs
3273 Claremont Way, Suite 202
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 252-8688
You have the chance to put principle over politics by voting for me. I am an Army veteran, former police officer, and successful small businessman. I took on the Washington establishment as a leader of the Gang of Seven, which exposed the House Bank scandal and paved the way for the Republican takeover of Congress. In Congress, I have consistently voted pro-life, and voted to protect Second Amendment rights. I am a strong defender of private property rights and want to end the IRS. I have a record. Vote for someone you can be proud to represent you in Washington.
Web Site: www.riggs98.com
Candidate Photo Mark Raus
11125 Texas River Court
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 631-8743
Have you ever wanted to vote for a candidate to represent you that comes from the working force in private industry? I am that candidate. I am 37 years old, married, and father of 2 wonderful children ages 3 and 5. I am a full time pharmacist and an officer in a union of pharmacists and interns. I was born and raised in Orange County and currently reside in Sacramento County. My basic philosophy when it comes to the federal government is to limit its scope. I support the balanced budget amendment, ending race-based preferences and saving Medicare for seniors.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Brian M. Rees
Natural Law
P.O. Box 561
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
(515) 472-2040
I am a family physician, author, teacher, and small business owner. I grew up in Long Beach, graduated from UC Santa Barbara, and have an MD and Master of Public Health. After seven years in the Army Medical Corps, I've spent the last decade researching and practicing prevention-oriented natural medicine while running my own clinic/business. In 1996 I was called back to active duty and sent to Europe in support of peacekeeping in Bosnia. I'm currently the commander of a reserve medical unit in Irvine. My wife of 14 years and I have two children in the public schools.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Matt Fong
888 South Figueroa St., #1130
Los Angeles, CA 90017
(213) 833-0910
I am dedicated to eliminating the barriers which keep our citizens from realizing the American dream. That means closing down the IRS and getting rid of special interest loopholes. I support a fairer, simpler tax code. Our streets must be safer. That means ending early release for violent offenders. As an Air Force Academy graduate and Lt. Colonel (Reserve), I support maintaining a strong military to protect our people in a dangerous world. It means every child graduating from high school can read, write and speak English. Together, with experience, vision and creativity we can make all Californians' future brighter.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo John Pinkerton
P.O. Box 720329
Pinon Hills, CA 92372
(760) 868-1745
Californians deserve a U.S. Senator who represents the rational center and common sense. I stand for a balanced budget amendment and an end to federal financing of abortion. I will work for parental control in our schools and to end exportation of American jobs. I will fight to help bring about Dr. King's color blind society by replacing Affirmative Action with Equal Opportunity. I am passionately committed to term limits and pledge no more than two terms in office. As your senator, I will take the message to Washington that Californians believe in personal responsibility and sensible, moderate government.
Web Site: www.pinkerton-for-senate.com
Candidate Photo H. Joseph Perrin Sr.
American Independent
5960 South Land Park Dr., Suite 273
Sacramento, CA 95822
I am a native Californian and am blessed with my wife Cecilia and three successful adult children. I am a veteran and a member of the American Legion. I have served as a Reserve Deputy, and am a member of the United Revolver Club and the Ben Ali Peace Officers unit. I have served as a disaster volunteer, a Rotarian and presently serve my church as an elder. I have earned a Masters Degree and have provided 25 years of service in Public Health, Rehabilitation Services, and Research. I ask to continue my public service as your US Senator.
Candidate Photo Timothy R. Erich
640 Eucalyptus Avenue
Oakdale, CA 95361
Currently: Teacher and School Principal; Married, with two children. Previously: Government and Economics Teacher, 10 years; Historical Commission Member, 3 years; Congressional Candidate in 1996. I believe, while providing all Americans with sufficient levels of social security, medical care and educational opportunity, we must maintain adequate levels of national defense, protect our natural resources, and revitalize democracy through campaign and finance reform. To show my commitment to reform I am not accepting any monetary contributions, and am attempting to spend the least amount possible in a serious campaign. As the Reform Party candidate I'm not for sale, I'm for real!
Web Site: home.earthlink.net/~terich
Candidate Photo Ted Brown
P.O. Box 5362
Pasadena, CA 91117
(800) 682-1776
Each day government at all levels grows larger. It threatens our personal freedoms and economic liberty. Those in power say, "There ought to be a law." Libertarians say, "There ought to be a choice." Leave people alone and they will grow and prosper. I will go to Washington to repeal laws, not pass new ones. We must slash government. My goals: repeal the federal income tax and abolish the IRS; reduce crime by ending the failed "War on Drugs" and decriminalizing drug use; withdraw all U.S. troops from overseas; and eliminate all agencies and departments not permitted by the Constitution.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo John M. Brown
6713 Embarcadero Dr., #29
Stockton, CA 95219
(209) 952-7293
"For the people, by the people" is more than a forgotten principle in my campaign. I give the voters an opportunity to be personally involved in real campaign reform. I will not accept any money, or solicit any! Presently candidates get elected through money raised, and after elected use the rest of the time in office trying to raise more money to get reelected. This process has corrupted the system and has resulted in legislating as payola. A vote for me is voter mandated campaign reform not legislated! Help me restore respectability to the greatest political system there is, ours!
E-Mail: jbrown1924@aol.com
Candidate Photo Barbara Boxer
P.O. Box 641751
Los Angeles, CA 90064
(310) 575-9880
As your Senator, I fight for California every day. I cast tough votes to balance the budget, getting our economy on track with 1 million new California jobs. I stopped special interests from gutting environmental protections for air, water and food safety. With thousands of new community police, crime is down. I helped bring home billions in disaster relief. Now I'm working to raise academic standards, expand after school care, protect our children from "junk guns" and dangerous toxics, and guarantee HMO patients' rights. With a continued focus on economic growth, I hope to keep fighting and winning for California.
Web Site:
Candidate Photo Ophie C. Beltran
Peace and Freedom
10153 Riverside Dr., #374
Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2533
(818) 830-2794
I'm running on a feminist/labor slate of Peace & Freedom Party candidates including Regina Lark (Lieutenant Governor), Marisa Palyvos-Story (Secretary of State), Gary Ramos (Insurance Commissioner), Gary Kast (Attorney General), David Delano Blanco (Controller), and Jan Tucker (Treasurer). We support Gloria LaRiva for Governor. Our slate applauds the AFL-CIO demand that elected officials support the right of workers to unionize through neutral "card checks" by community leaders. I support sanctions against Turkey for blockading Armenia and atrocities against Kurds and against other human rights abusers. I oppose NAFTA and "fast track" without protecting union rights and environmental safeguards.
Web Site:
The order of the candidates was determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Submission of statements was voluntary. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.