Insurance Claims Practices. Civil Remedies.
Referendum. | ||
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 30 |
Arguments on this page are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. Ask yourself: If Propositions 30 and 31 are such good laws, why did the personal injury lawyers who wrote them specifically exempt their own insurance companies from their provisions?
They did it to protect themselves against higher insurance rates, pure and simple. Even though they created these proposals, they don't want to pay the price. And that says it all .
Their so-called "Fair Insurance Responsibility Act" is neither fair nor responsible. It's simply a way for them to file more lawsuits and make more money at your expense.
California's retired Legislative Analyst warns that measures like Propositions 30 and 31 will increase insurance rates up to 15% and, "could cost taxpayers millions." The California Organization of Police and Sheriffs says, "insurance fraud will thrive."
The facts are: Propositions 30 and 31 will drive insurance rates significantly higher, double the number of lawsuits in accident cases and cost taxpayers millions--which is why these propositions are opposed by so many respected taxpayer, consumer, senior, business and public safety groups in California.
Proponents claim these Propositions don't give drunk drivers new power to sue. But after careful analysis, Mothers Against Drunk Driving concluded "because these measures do not exclude all drunk drivers, many will get new rights to sue . . . even when drunk at the time of the collision."
Don't reward drunk drivers and uninsured motorists for breaking the law. Say NO to higher insurance costs and personal injury lawyers who want to profit at your expense. Vote NO on 30 and 31.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD),
Chairperson, California Public Policy Committee
Executive Director, Voter Revolt
President, Consumers First
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