- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
Cruz M. Bustamante
Democratic Party
For months, I've said I oppose the recall. I still do. But if you support my work as a university Regent and Trustee to win fair admissions policies for every student without regard to race; If you support my work as Chairman of the State Lands Commission to protect our coast and rivers; If you support my work as Lieutenant Governor to win living wages; If you voted for the bonds I've worked to place on the ballot to rebuild California's schools and roads under Project Labor Agreements; If you supported my lawsuit against energy price-gougers like Enron; If you agree that every Californian should have health insurance they can afford; If you think I was right to increase funding for textbooks for every student; If you believe that hardworking, taxpaying immigrants deserve the chance to apply for citizenship and reunify their families; If you've stood with me in support of farm workers; If you support equal opportunity and oppose any kind of discrimination; If you think I was right to appoint the first lesbian legislator to serve as Speaker Pro Tem of the Assembly; If you support my efforts to protect privacy from those who would sell it for profit; If you think a woman's right to choose ought to be a matter between her, her doctor and her God, not her insurance company... Then I am asking you to vote "No" on the Recall and "Yes" on Bustamante. I appreciate your consideration.
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