- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
D. (Logan Darrow) Clements
Republican Party
528 Palisades Drive #533
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
Atlas Shrugged, America's second most influential book, was written by an immigrant to California who predicted our current mess and offered an inspiring solution. Ayn Rand knew that big government ruins all it touches while freedom leads to incredible prosperity. I know, as did she, that the economy will roar to life if we liberate it from excessive taxation and abusive regulation. See the work of freedom in grocery stores filled with food, hospitals filled with lifesaving technology, and a computer industry filled with innovation. See the work of big government in power blackouts, failing schools and traffic jams. The more important the task the more reason it should be handled by resourceful companies motivated by profit, not bumbling politicians motivated by power. California needs a businessperson for Governor who clearly sees the path to prosperity and has the willpower to lead us out of this mess. I launched a national business magazine called American Venture which I later sold to develop a revolutionary TV show called FreeNation. I have a master's degree in business and a bachelor's degree in economics. I'm a long-shot candidate but like the horse Seabiscuit sometimes the long-shot can win. Watch me in action at www.FreeNation.TV. You can vote for a "big" candidate for small change or a "small" candidate for big change. Vote for big change, vote for better ideas over fame and money, vote Clements for Governor.
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