- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
I am running for governor so that I can help spread the message to Vote No on the recall. This recall election is bad for California and dangerous for our democratic system of government. Should the recall effort succeed by some unfortunate circumstance, I am qualified to serve as governor based on my background, my intelligence, my proven ability to work well with others, and my ability to innovate. I am a scientist, inventor, businessman and lifelong democrat. I am currently president of The Science Artist, providing high technology consulting services. I am a proud husband, proud father and proud Californian. I am a public high school graduate (La Jolla High 1977 Valedictorian), a Caltech graduate (B.S. Physics 1981) and an Engineering Ph.D. (Princeton University 1987). As a successful California entrepreneur, I founded AstroTerra Corporation in 1992, helped establish it as a leader in Optical Wireless Communications, and sold it to MRV Communications in 2000. I advocate a long-term vision to keep California at the forefront of technological innovation. This will create high paying, environmentally clean technology jobs. A high paying job base will enable California to provide high quality services, such as maintaining the best public University system in the nation, without new taxes. I advocate initiatives to stimulate business investment, such as providing high bandwidth communications to every home and business in California. I advocate reducing electricity price volatility by incorporating photovoltaic (solar) energy systems in 50% of new homes. First Vote NoOnRecall.com. Then VoteForEric.com.
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