- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
Carl A. Mehr
Republican Party
3533 Mercer Court
San Diego, CA 92122
Born 1933. Raised in Nazi occupied Denmark. Korean war veteran. MS degree, Electrical Engineering, 1965, University of Santa Clara. Married 48 years. Real estate and stock investor. I seek office to return power to the people. My steps in office will be: To ensure elected state officers, including governor, may be recalled only for malfeasance. This recall is the joke of the nation. To encourage democracy in this state by moving redistricting from the Legislature to an independent commission. Why put up with ideologues of both parties whose main concern is to protect their incumbency? Budgets must be passed on time. To improve governance in the State with structural changes to tax revenues and expenditures. To return more funding control to the counties and cities of the state. Why let Sacramento take our local property taxes and then return them encumbered with bureaucratic controls? To encourage the business climate by reducing workman's compensation insurance costs, regulatory controls and frivolous lawsuits. In particular, I propose that losers in lawsuits generally pay attorney fees and court costs. To improve the regulation of Indian gaming, (revenues nearly 40% of Nevada gaming), that produces no funds for the State, and is not subject to environmental regulations or State statutes governing employment. To vigorously seek a solution to the loss of Colorado River water, especially important to San Diego. Vote for Carl Mehr. Vote against political polarization in California. See www.mehrforgovernor.com.
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