- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
Heather Peters
Republican Party
1601 Cloverfield Blvd., 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90404
As a professional mediator I am skilled at resolving conflict, an expertise that is desperately needed to break the partisan logjam in Sacramento. This year the delay in passing a budget cost the taxpayers over $600 million in lost savings which could have covered the $443 million cut from the UC and Cal State systems if a solution had been reached on time. As Governor I will hold the Legislature accountable for costly inaction. I am a pro-choice Republican with a moderate social agenda. I will bring common sense and fiscal responsibility back to state government. Accountable, responsible, accessible—Peters4Gov.com. (310) 899-6884
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