- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
Darrin H. Scheidle
Democratic Party
Minnesota did it—Now it's your turn, California! It's time for change in Sacramento! Vote for the Candidate who is "owned" by nobody! Government is a business, and should be run like one! Cast your vote for me—a CEO, businessman, family man, native Californian and independent thinker. Over the years, I have started and built up four successful businesses from nothing. As a "bootstrap" entrepreneur, I know how to get the most out of every dollar. That's what we need now in Sacramento—not someone who will raise taxes and fees, but someone like me, who will properly spend the funds that are already there. Successful businessmen know you can't spend money you don't have—"career" politicians have been mortgaging California's future (and that of our children and grandchildren) to further their own agenda. Now it's time to return the government back to the people...the government works for you, the citizens! Education: The budget cutbacks are being made in the wrong areas. Leave education funds alone! Law Enforcement officers belong on the street. Public safety needs to be fortified, not cut! DMV fees are being misspent. I will start the process of rescinding the DMV Fee increase during my first day on the job. Stop driving money out of the state!—We need to entice businesses into California! Tax incentives and a corporate-friendly environment are a priority if California's economy is to survive! www.Save-California.us
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