- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
George B. Schwartzman
I am a successful and compassionate businessman who is a fiscal realist. I understand that California cannot spend its tax revenues frivolously. I am an innovator who has spent my career in medical-related business endeavors. Improving the physical health of Californians will improve the fiscal health of California. I believe that health begins with prevention, and health care of the highest quality must be an uncompromised standard. I believe that society is severely hampered by junk food, alcohol, drug, and tobacco abuse. Businesses that prosper create jobs. California must become tax friendly to business, not tax adversarial. I do not tolerate unethical behavior, and believe that a crackdown on abusive attorneys, health care providers, and other licensed professionals who compromise their ethics is long overdue. I advocate an extensive transformation and modernization of the educational process to an effective system. I favor tuition discounts to California residents on a sliding scale based upon academic achievement at all California public universities. I disapprove of sacrificing our children's health through the routine sale of junk foods as fundraisers in public schools. It is wrong to sacrifice the needs of our senior citizens at the expense of caring for illegal immigrants. I will be a common-sense nonpartisan Governor, free of any commitments to any special interest group. I am the Candidate who offers Californians a refreshing opportunity to elect a responsible and fair Governor with innovative and sensible ideas for all. To learn more, please go to www.governorgeorge.com.
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