- As the state's chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
Peter V. Ueberroth
Republican Party
1071 Camelback Street
Newport Beach, CA 92660
As 1984 Los Angeles Olympics President, I earned the Time Magazine Man of the Year Award. Previous Olympics were financial disasters. The 1976 Olympics virtually bankrupted Montreal. In California's Olympics, not one cent of taxpayer funds was used. Youth sports are still funded from the $200,000,000+ Olympic surplus. Olympic glory was restored. Democratic Mayor Tom Bradley and Republican President worked closely with me—with no partisan bickering. Thousands of Californians turned around the Olympics. They collectively deserve the credit. I also served as Baseball Commissioner. When I started, 22 teams were losing money. The sport was in trouble. Five years later, no team was losing money. Ticket prices had not increased. Our State faces a similar situation. Government has created a lethal job and business-killing machine. California is in an economic death spiral. We must turn our state around. The good news: we can turn California around. Partisan warfare must end. So, mine will be a bi-partisan, independent administration. I absolutely commit not to seek re-election. This means I will spend no time campaigning, raising money, or pandering to special interests. It means I can make tough decisions. California has been good to me. Educated in Northern California public schools, I farm in the Central Valley, and now reside in Southern California. I have many business successes, and a few failures. Both helped prepare me for this job. I will not accept a salary. Working together, God willing, we will restore California's glory. I respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you.
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