The Great State of California Seal
California Primary Election



Republicans are proud of the leadership provided to our state by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Governor Schwarzenegger eliminated the car tax that crippled Californians. His economic policies have helped create over 450,000 new jobs in California. His program for workers compensation reform has saved businesses money and has kept jobs in California.

Now, through his Strategic Growth Plan, the Governor is laying the groundwork for a systematic program of fixing our roads and bridges and rebuilding California’s infrastructure, all without raising taxes. This will attract new jobs and new opportunities for future generations of Californians.

The Republican Party, under the leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger, represents the best chance for freedom and opportunity for every Californian.

Re-electing our Governor and other Republicans to office will help ensure schools that are safe and accountable; hold the line on taxes; and keep growing California’s economy. Join us in helping build a better California that provides opportunity for our families today, and for future generations.

DUF SUNDHEIM, Chairman  
The California Republican Party   818-841-5210
Ronald Reagan California Republican Center   Website:
1903 West Magnolia Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91506    

The order of the statements was determined by lot. Statements on this page were supplied by political parties and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.
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