Decline To State Voters 
For whom can I vote?If you are registered to vote with a political party, you may only vote at this primary election for the candidates running for office from the party with which you are registered and for and against measures. However, if you did not select a political party when you registered to vote, some of the political parties will allow you to vote for their candidates anyway. If you are not registered with a political party, upon request you can vote a ballot of any political party that has notified the Secretary of State that it will permit “unaffiliated” voters to help nominate their candidates.
The following political parties are allowing voters who are not registered with a political party to request and vote their party’s ballot at the June 6, 2006 Primary Election:
• American Independent Party (all candidates except county central committee candidates)
• Democratic Party (all candidates except county central committee candidates)
• Republican Party (all candidates except county central committee candidates)
You may NOT request more than one party’s ballot. If you do not request a specific ballot, you will be given a nonpartisan ballot containing only the names of candidates for nonpartisan offices and the measures to be voted upon at the June 6, 2006 Primary Election.
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