PLEASE NOTE: After the printing of the Voter Information Guide was
Proposition 1 was removed from the ballot pursuant to statute.
will be replaced by Proposition 1A on the ballot. A Supplemental Voter Information Guide was printed to provide voters with the text, analyses, arguments, and other information about the measure required by law.
SUMMARY Put on the Ballot by the Legislature To provide Californians a safe, convenient, affordable, and reliable alternative to driving and high gas prices; to provide good-paying jobs and improve California's economy while reducing air pollution, global warming greenhouse gases, and our dependence on foreign oil, shall $9.95 billion in bonds be issued to establish a clean, efficient high-speed train service linking Southern California, the Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley, and the San Francisco Bay Area, with at least 90 percent of bond funds spent for specific projects, with private and public matching funds required, including, but not limited to, federal funds, funds from revenue bonds, and local funds, and all bond funds subject to independent audits? Fiscal Impact: State costs of $19.4 billion, assuming 30 years to pay both principal and interest costs of the bonds. Payments would average about $647 million per year. When constructed, unknown operation and maintenance costs, probably over $1 billion annually; at least partially, and potentially fully, offset by passenger fares. WHAT YOUR VOTE MEANS
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