This Voter Information Guide covers statewide measures. Candidate statements for legislative candidates can be found in your county Sample Ballot.
Proposition 34, passed by voters in November 2000, established voluntary spending limits for candidates running for state legislative office. Legislative candidates who choose to keep their campaign expenses under these specified dollar amounts may purchase space in county sample ballots for a 250-word candidate statement.
Candidates who have voluntarily chosen to limit their spending in campaigns for State Senate may spend no more than $724,000 in a primary election and $1,086,000 in a general election. Assembly candidates may spend no more than $483,000 in a primary election and $845,000 in a general election.
To view a list of legislative candidates who have accepted the campaign spending limits, please go to www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_cand_stat.htm.
You may return your voted vote-by-mail ballot by:
- Mailing it to your county elections office;
- Returning it in person to any polling place or elections office within your county on Election Day;
or - Authorizing a legally allowable third party (spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, or a person residing in the same household as you) to return the ballot on your behalf to any polling place or elections office within your county on Election Day.
In any case, your vote-by-mail ballot must be received by the time polls close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Late-arriving vote-by-mail ballots cannot be counted.
All valid vote-by-mail ballots that county elections officials determine have been cast by eligible voters are counted and included in the official election results. Elections officials have 28 days to complete this process, referred to as the “official canvass,” and must report the results to the Secretary of State 35 days after the date of the election.
The Secretary of State provides the Official Voter Information Guide in a large-print and an audio-cassette format for the visually impaired in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Japanese, and Korean.To order the large-print or audio-cassette version of the Official Voter Information Guide, please visit www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vig_altformats.htm or call our toll-free Voter Hotline at 1-800-345-VOTE (8683).
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