1998 California General Election Political Party Statements of Purpose | ||
Green Party |
The Green Party's principles are expressed in our 10 Key Values: Ecological Wisdom, Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice, Nonviolence, Decentralization, Community-Based Economics, Feminism, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Sustainability.We advocate:
- Converting California's economy to long-term ecological sustainability.
- A livable wage and the right of all workers to organize.
- Ending corporate welfare.
- Universal health care, including holistic, integrative and mental health.
- Ensuring reproductive choice for all women.
- Increased educational funding, while allowing local schools to innovate.
- Increased funding of recently curtailed assistance programs to sustainable income levels.
- Affirmative action programs and an end to immigrant bashing.
- Proven bilingual education programs, and increased language training for all students.
- Decriminalizing drug use, funding proven treatment programs.
- A moratorium on prison construction.
- Ending the death penalty.
- Replacing winner-take-all election systems with proportional representation.
- Campaign finance reform which reduces the influence of money in politics.
- Ecologically sustainable land-use: urban, rural, agricultural.
- Preserving old growth forests.
- Promoting and protecting organic and family farming.
- Increasing public transit.Ending nuclear power. Supporting renewable energy: solar, wind and
- biomass.
- Taxing pollution, non-renewable energy and waste, rather than labor.
- Protecting children and youth from discrimination and exploitation.
1008 10th Street, #482
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 448-3437
E-Mail: gpca@greens.org
Web Site: www.greens.org/california/