Green Party

If a candidate submitted a statement, read it simply by clicking on the candidate's name.

Candidate Name

Jill Stein

Jill Stein | GREEN

After a career in clinical medicine, I am now practicing political medicine, running for President to help heal our ailing nation.

In this historic moment, people are standing up like we haven't seen for generations, calling for an America and a world that works for us all. We face unprecedented crises that need transformational solutions that put people, planet and peace over profit. We must break the stranglehold of billionaires and their parties that have thrown us under the bus.

We the people have the power to end unemployment, poverty, and rampant inequality; to liberate a generation trapped in predatory student debt; create a welcoming path to citizenship; and end racism in policing and beyond.

We can create a Green New Deal establishing 20 million living wage jobs that provide 100% clean renewable energy by 2030 - reviving the economy, halting climate change, and making wars for oil obsolete. We can create an improved Medicare for All system, free public higher education, and save trillions ending corporate welfare, catastrophic wars, and tax favors for the wealthy. Protect women's rights, Indigenous and LGBT people, our civil liberties and the Internet.

And create a foreign policy based on international law and human rights.

It's time to vote for what we believe, not against what we fear. To reject the lesser evil and fight for the greater good, like our lives depend on it. Because they do.

The power to create this new world is in our hands!

Learn more at

P.O. Box 260197
Madison, WI 53726

Darryl Cherney

Darryl Cherney | GREEN

No Candidate Statement Submitted

William Kreml

William Kreml | GREEN

A J. D. (Northwestern, 1965), a Ph.D. (Indiana, 1972), along with fifty years of researching and writing nine books on American government and constitutional law, find me approaching my 75th birthday with more trepidation about our government than ever. Our political system is broken. In asking California Greens to save me one Houston convention delegate, I must relate some of what I have done to deserve your support.

In 1980, I took LWOP from The University of South Carolina to run for the Democratic U. S. Senate nomination. Gridlock was upon us. I called for a citizens' blue-ribbon committee to make recommendations for the democratization of an Eighteenth Century elitist constitution. I was covered in The New Republic, The Christian Science Monitor, and The Washington Post. The Committee on the Constitutional System was formed, making recommendations to the president and congressional leadership at the bicentennial in 1987. Neither the Republican nor Democratic parties replied to this outstanding group of public figures and academics. In 2000, Molly Ivins covered my presidential campaign that committed civil disobedience over F.E.C. regulations.

CCS's recommendations would bring our government closer to European parliamentary systems. Our separation of powers, federalism, bicameralism, staggered elections, and separation of personnel between legislative and executive branches makes America's government vulnerable to powerful economic interests and foreign lobbies, particularly the Israeli Lobby. The citizens of the United States are entitled to counter private sector and foreign interests with a government that represents them, and the common good.

111 Southwood Dr.
Columbia, SC 29205
Tel: (803) 800-5953

Kent Mesplay

Kent Mesplay | GREEN

Let's start with honoring our Treaties with Indigenous American Tribes.

Climate change is real, abrupt, and threatening to public health and safety. It threatens our basic physical security, especially in terms of crop failure, increase in food prices, and even starvation. As I have said repeatedly during debates and forums, we must urgently address this serious threat with nothing short of a wartime-level mobilization.

Nationally, we must have an emergency transition to self-sufficiency in food, energy, housing and transportation. This can be accomplished through a Green New Deal, which I began talking about while campaigning in 2008. Funding would come from closing the loopholes that permit cartel capitalists to irresponsibly not pay their fair share of taxes. It would also come from shifting over military funding to a new branch, while transforming our defense agencies to be better prepared.

This transition will create millions of new jobs, which will make our country more efficient, resilient, safe, and independent. Internationally, we will end wars that indebt us to international bankers, and we will treat climate refugees better.

Good governance can provide services for the "least" among us, including Medicare for All (with dental, vision and mental health coverage), affordable housing, and free college tuition. Other improvements include creation of a public money system (, a Universal Guaranteed Income (, and getting big money out of politics to help end political corruption.

Please register Green and vote "Mesplay" in the June Primary election.

Thank you!

1712 E Riverside Dr #42
Austin, TX 78741
Tel: (760) 689-2740

Sedinam Moyowasifsa-Curry

Sedinam Moyowasifsa-Curry | GREEN

My objective in joining the Green Party was and is about building a permanent third political party in the United States of America that is neither funded nor controlled by corporations and corporate interests. For the past 14 years I've worked within the Green Party to emphasize a direct action strategy and a tactical plan within the current traditional electoral political system that is geared toward children, youth, women, people of color, immigrants, independents and progressives in a clear and measurable manner. In 2008 I sought to be the Green Party Vice-Presidential Nominee as a direct method to set up a national leadership training program for People of Color to ensure "we" would be equipped to lead the Green Party and our nation long term.

Our campaign platform centers around 5 major initiatives: Dismantling and ending capitalism and its unrelenting assault on Mother Earth in the name of profit. We support the Green Economy Path to community ownership in all basic essentials; Overcoming the Doctrine of Discovery which has been used to support decisions invalidating or ignoring aboriginal possession of land in favor of colonial or post-colonial governments; Ending White Privilege/Supremacy and Patriarchal systems of control; Focusing on children and youth; Increasing global cooperation and grass-roots democracy by joining the Universal African People Organization five year plan for proportional representation.

1103 West Gardena Blvd. #33
Gardena, CA 90247
Tel: (310) 594-4030

The order of the candidate statements was determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on
this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily
submitted by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.

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