Don't be misled by empty rhetoric!
FACT: PROPOSITION 196 is strongly supported by EVERY major law enforcement organization in California.
PROPOSITION 196 is supported by prosecutors, victims' organizations, and others concerned with the rising tide of gang violence in our communities.
FACT: PROPOSITION 196 directly deals with one of the major crimes of violence plaguing California. According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, there were 1,816 drive-by shootings in Los Angeles County alone in 1994. In 1993 drive-by shooters claimed 97 lives in Los Angeles County.
FACT: DRIVE-BY MURDER is no longer just an inner city problem.
Cowardly gang-related shootings are spreading like wildfire to the suburbs and even rural California. Vicious though they are, drive-by murders are usually perverse thrill killings, not crimes of passion. All too often, the victims are innocent bystanders. Perpetrators of these senseless murders must face the most severe sanction the law can impose: THE DEATH PENALTY.
PROPOSITION 196 is supported by:
Attorney General's Office
California Correctional Peace Officers Association
California Police Chiefs' Association
California Peace Officers' Association
California State Sheriffs' Association
California Organization of Police and Sheriffs
California District Attorneys Association
Women Prosecutors of California
Doris Tate Crime Victims Bureau
Los Angeles District Attorney
MAKE THE PENALTY FIT THE CRIME. Join these and other organizations and individuals who are sick and tired of gang-members preying on our communities. VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 196.
State Senator, 32nd District
Executive Director, California District
Attorneys Association