Punishment for Murder. Special Circumstances. Drive-By Shootings.
Official Title and Summary
Prepared by the Attorney General
Text of Proposition
- Adds the intentional murder of a person by discharging a firearm from a motor ve
hicle with the intent to inflict death to the list of special circumstances for
first-degree murder for which the death penalty or life imprisonment without the
possibility of parole is authorized.
- Joined to Proposition 195 (Chapter 477, Statutes of 1995). If both measures pa
ss, murder during carjacking, murder resulting from a carjacking kidnap, and mur
der of juror in retaliation for, or to prevent, performance of juror's duties, a
re also added to the list of special circumstances.
Summary of Legislative Analyst's
Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact:
- Adoption of this measure would result in unknown state costs, potentially rangin
g into several millions of dollars annually in the long run.
Final Votes Cast by the Legislature on SB 9 (Proposition 196)
Assembly: Ayes 55 Senate: Ayes 29
Noes 12 Noes 3
Analysis by the Legislative Analyst
Argument in Favor of Proposition 196
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 196
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 196
Argument Against Proposition 196
Rebuttal to Argument Against Proposition 196

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