1998 California Primary Election
Certified List of Candidates
State Treasurer
  Phil Angelides
  2424 K Street, Suite 200
  Sacramento, CA 95816
 Businessman/Financial Manager
Phone: (916) 448-1998
E-Mail: philca98@ix.netcom.com
  Mervin Evans
  P.O. Box 205
  Culver, CA 90232
 Author/Investment Advisor
Phone: (213) 506-0523
  Albert Robles
  9736 Karmont Avenue
  South Gate, CA 90280
 City Treasurer
Phone: (213) 563-9521
  Jan Goldsmith
  12307 Oak Knoll Road #A
  Poway, CA 92064
 Legislator/Business Owner
Phone: (619) 513-1301
E-Mail: jan@jangoldsmith.com
  Curt Pringle
  12865 Main #101
  Garden Grove, CA 92840
 State Legislator/Businessman
Phone: (714) 539-7605
 American Independent
  Edmon V. Kaiser
  6278 North Spalding Avenue
  Fresno, CA 93710-5722
 Doctor of Chiropractic
Phone: (209) 432-7964
  Jon Petersen
  141 Hayes Avenue
  San Jose, CA 95123-2124
 Senior Software Engineer
Phone: (408) 256-2038
E-Mail: jon_petersen@earthlink.net
 Natural Law
  Carlos Aguirre
  237 Shorebreaker Drive
  Laguna Niguel, CA 92677
Phone: (714) 496-7054
E-Mail: james@pacbell.net
 Peace & Freedom
  Jan B. Tucker
  10153 1/2 Riveride Drive # 374
  Toluca Lake, CA 91602-2533
 Licensed Private Investigator
Phone: (818) 830-2794
* Incumbent