SUMMARY Put on the Ballot by Petition Signatures |
Provides that eligible candidates for state elective office may
receive public campaign funding. Increases tax on corporations
and financial institutions by 0.2 percent to fund program.
Imposes new campaign contribution/expenditure limits. Fiscal
Impact: Increased revenues (primarily from increased taxes
on corporations and financial institutions) totaling more than
$200 million annually to pay for the public financing of
political campaigns. |
YES A YES vote on this measure means: Candidates for state offices could choose to receive public funds to pay for the costs of campaigns if they meet certain requirements. Candidates not accepting public funds would be subject to lower contribution limits than currently. The tax rate on corporations and financial institutions would be increased to pay for the public financing of political campaigns. |
NO A NO vote on this measure means: Candidates for state offices would continue to pay for their campaigns with private funds subject to current contribution limits. The tax rate on corporations and financial institutions would not change. |
PRO Proposition 89 will curb corruption in Sacramento and reduce the power of special interests and lobbyists over our government. It will level the playing field and assure that elections are about ideas, not money. It will enable everyday people, like teachers, nurses and firefighters, to run for public office. |
CON Proposition 89 is phoney reform. Prop. 89 increases taxes for politicians to finance their political campaigns and negative ads. The special interests behind 89 wrote it to give themselves an unfair advantage, limiting the voice of small businesses and nonprofits and damaging consumers. It’s too complicated and unworkable. Vote No on 89. |
FOR Michael Lighty Californians for Clean Elections, Yes on 89 2000 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94612 (800) 440-6877 |
AGAINST Californians to Stop 89 1415 L Street, Suite 1250 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 708-7824 |
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