- As the state's chief law officer, ensures that the laws of the state are uniformly and adequately enforced.
- Heads the Department of Justice, which is responsible for providing state legal services and support for local law enforcement.
- Acts as the chief counsel in state litigation.
- Oversees law enforcement agencies, including District Attorneys and Sheriffs.
MICHAEL S. WYMAN Green Party |
P.O. Box 9380 San Rafael, CA 94912 |
(415) 785-3448 |
Most Californians prefer life imprisonment without parole to the death penalty. Most Californians oppose lengthy prison sentences for nonviolent offenders. Most Californians agree that the War on Drugs has been a complete failure. Most Californians think that their police have better things to do than arrest the terminally ill for using medical marijuana. Most Californians don’t believe they should be spied upon by their own government. Most Californians want equal rights for immigrants, including the right to live and work here in America in peace. I agree with them. We need to put the justice back in the justice system. We do this by enforcing laws humanely and challenging the laws and policies that deny the people of California their rights. We need an attorney general who defends the people of California as energetically as we prosecute the violent offender. I will be that kind of Attorney General. I ask for your support. Thank You.
KENNETH A. WEISSMAN Libertarian Party |
8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 850 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3222 |
(323) 655-4529 |
I will fight for your rights. Absolutist on Second Amendment. Secure our borders NOW.
JACK HARRISON Peace and Freedom Party |
1312 Cornell Ave. Berkeley, CA 94702 |
(510) 527-9584 |
Abolish the inhumane death penalty. Decriminalize marijuana. Expand parole and diversion services. Eliminate the disastrous “three strikes” sentencing. Use State funds for people’s needs. Prosecute the corporate criminals and those who defile our environment.
The order of the candidates is determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot. |
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