Serves on the Board of Equalization, California's elected tax commission, a body that:
- Oversees the administration of over two dozen tax and fee programs including sales and use, cigarette and tobacco, alcohol, and fuels tax.
- Serves as the appellate body for California income and franchise tax cases.
- Oversees the administration of property tax statewide.
BETTY T. YEE Democratic Party |
601 Van Ness Avenue #E3-438 San Francisco, CA 94102 | |
All Californians deserve to be treated fairly by their government. During the time I have served on the Board of Equalization, my actions and votes on all tax matters that have come before the Board demonstrate a strong commitment to fairness and honesty. My experience in making careful decisions with your tax dollars, my strong sense of fairness in interpreting California’s tax laws, and my unblemished record of integrity and honesty make me your best choice to continue serving and providing leadership as the First District Member on the Board of Equalization. I will oppose special tax breaks for the wealthy. I will be a voice for all working persons. As your guardian of the state’s revenues, my objective is to ensure California has the resources needed to provide a bright future and opportunities for all of us and for generations to come—this means quality schools in every community, access to health care for every Californian, a pristine natural environment, affordable housing, adequate transportation systems, and safe neighborhoods. I am proud to have earned the endorsements of a broad array of organizations that represent the interests of teachers, nurses, firefighters, peace officers, workers, women, students, and taxpayers—all of whom recognize my financial expertise and commitment to protecting the interests of hardworking Californians. I would be honored to continue serving you on the Board of Equalization.
BILL LEONARD Republican Party |
P.O. Box 277090 Sacramento, CA 95827 |
(916) 441-1043 Ext. 2 |
California is a terrific place to live, but we need leaders who are not afraid to stand up and fight for the rights of taxpayers. As a Member of the State Board of Equalization—the only elected office in America with the job of protecting the rights of taxpayers—I have worked hard to hold government accountable. The State Board of Equalization is an independently elected tax panel that makes the final decision in disputes between taxpayers and government bureaucrats. Taxpayers deserve to have an advocate fighting for their interests—and that is what I have done as a Member of the State Board of Equalization. Illegal immigrants are among those who do not pay their fair share of taxes yet get their full share of government benefits. Not enough is being done to make sure that illegal aliens pay all the taxes they owe. It is not fair that law-abiding California families and business owners have to pay all their taxes and still get hit by government investigators when they are trying to comply with California’s complex and excessive tax laws while illegal immigration laws go unenforced. We can do better. Please visit my website ( to learn more about the State Board of Equalization and my record as an advocate for taxpayers. I will continue to do all I can to make sure government is held accountable for how it spends your hard-earned tax dollars. I would be honored to have your vote on November 7th.
TIM RABOY Democratic Party |
P.O. Box 132 Galt, CA 95632 |
(209) 251-9695 |
I am a Supervising Investigator for the Board of Equalization (BOE), Investigations Division, fourteen-year BOE employee, and an Elected City Councilmember. Please visit
MICHELLE STEEL Republican Party |
27520 Hawthorne Blvd. #270 Palos Verdes, CA 90274 |
(310) 971-5865 |
As a fiscal conservative, I have been proud to serve as Chief Deputy to our current Member of the Board of Equalization. Now that the incumbent is retiring, it is vital that taxpayers have another fiscal watchdog to take his place. I will work to simplify tax rules so that businesses and individuals will not be constantly victimized by a bureaucracy that frequently oversteps its authority. As a rock-solid fiscal conservative, I will be the Taxpayer's Advocate against the bureaucracy. And, believe me, we need voices to speak out and defend taxpayers! I have witnessed firsthand how the taxing agencies assume taxpayers are guilty until proven innocent. And, I believe that approach is un-American. My philosophy is that every hearing should begin with the presumption that the taxpayer is innocent. As a businesswoman, wife, and mother, I know how tough it can be to make ends meet. I believe the hardworking families of California deserve an Advocate who will stand with them against abusive government bureaucracies. As a board member of the California World Trade Commission, I also became convinced that our high California taxes are harming our competitiveness in the world economy. I am an experienced, fiscally conservative professional who will not need on-the-job training, because I've already been on the job defending taxpayers. I would be honored to have your support. For any questions, please contact me at
GLEN FORSCH Republican Party |
2806 Scott Road Burbank, CA 91504 |
(818) 415-1199 |
Hi, I'm Glen Forsch. I am running for the Board of Equalization, Fourth District. I know how difficult it is to earn a living and pay our bills in California. I know it's a great RESPONSIBILITY TO COLLECT THE TAXPAYER'S MONEY. I join all REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS, INDEPENDENTS, AND ALL OTHER PARTIES, who want California TAXPAYERS and BUSINESSES to be Treated Fairly. I will do what it takes to get rid of the INHERITANCE TAX. I do not want the State Government to Tax and Take Your Inheritance. I will not stand by and let you, your parents, or your children be TAXED INTO POVERTY. Gather your Family, Friends, and Neighbors to VOTE FOR GLEN FORSCH.
The order of the candidates is determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot. |
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