- As the state’s chief executive officer, oversees most state departments and agencies and appoints judges.
- Proposes new laws and approves or vetoes legislation.
- Prepares and submits the annual state budget.
- Mobilizes and directs state resources during emergencies.
ART OLIVIER Libertarian Party | |
CUT SPENDING! California recalled the Governor three years ago when he proposed a $96,000,000,000 budget. Now it’s $131,000,000,000 plus $43,000,000,000 in bonds on the November ballot. NO BENEFITS FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Giving free healthcare and education to illegal immigrants encourages more illegal immigration. California cannot afford it. END GRIDLOCK. Spend gasoline taxes and vehicle license fees on building more lanes and allow the construction of private toll roads for commercial trucks. Art Olivier cut taxes and improved services as Mayor and will do it again as our next Governor!
JANICE JORDAN Peace and Freedom Party | |
Low-Cost Housing. Universal Health Care. Livable Wage. VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE! NOT YOUR FEAR!
1710 Broadway #122 Sacramento, CA 95818 |
(510) 587-0807 |
You’ve heard the expression, “I would have to write a book.” Well, I did. It’s called: “California: Under Corporate Rule.” Corporations control our electoral system, want to privatize our schools, name our sports fields, control our media, destroy our ecology, and promote wars of plunder. Most profitable corporations pay no state taxes in California. Ninety percent of our people on average have received no increase in inflation adjusted pay in 35 years and our real minimum wage has dropped dramatically while our economy more than doubled and corporate profits soared. My web site shows how a FAIR TAX can raise an additional $25 billion for our budget, allowing us to dramatically increase education funding, begin a massive move to alternative energy, and modernize our infrastructure, while reducing most people’s taxes. Immigrants actually help create jobs. Marriage must be an option for everyone. The death penalty, three strikes, and racial profiling must end. Our outdated, exclusionary, winner-take-all money-controlled electoral system has been universally rejected. We need public funding, proportional representation, and ranked choice voting, where people feel free to vote for the candidates they support and can hear all points of view. Please visit to help us plan and execute these ground-breaking opportunities for positive change in California. Thank you for your support.
EDWARD C. NOONAN American Independent Party |
1606 Gold St. Marysville, CA 95901 |
(530) 743-6878 |
See my webpages:,,
The order of the candidates is determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot. |
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