- Assumes the office and duties of Governor in the case of impeachment, death, resignation, removal from office, or absence from the state.
- Serves as President of and presides over the State Senate and has a tie-breaking vote.
- Chairs the Economic Development Commission, is a member of the State Lands Commission, and sits on the boards of the California university systems.
- Serves as an ex-officio member of the California State World Trade Commission.
LYNETTE SHAW Libertarian Party |
7336 Santa Monica #822 West Hollywood, CA 90046 |
(415) 209-3996 |
The war against patients and their physicians must stop. Medical cannabis has been legal for ten years, but the authorities continue to arrest caregivers, patients, and doctors. This is a waste of time, human resources, and taxpayers’ money. My Marijuana Peace Plan has been in operation for nine years in Marin County. This program has removed many illegal drug dealers from our streets, protected patients, and improved the quality of the medicine. Please join with me and Willie Nelson to help save family farms with industrial hemp and to protect your medical rights. I am Lynnette Shaw, and I would appreciate your vote for Lt. Governor.
DONNA J. WARREN Green Party |
P.O. Box 88808 Los Angeles, CA 90009 |
(213) 427-8519 |
Running with the Million Votes for Peace Campaign, in 1999, I sued the CIA for the crack cocaine infestation in South Central, and, in 2004, I helped coordinate Prop. 66 to amend California’s Three Strikes Law. I will guide the Legislature to represent the people, not corporations and special interests. Don’t be fuelish—stop voting for oil companies at the gas pump. Stop Global Warming, and keep California competitive in science/medical research. For my complete platform, see
STEWART A. ALEXANDER Peace and Freedom Party |
40485 Murrietta Hot Springs Rd., Ste. 149 Murrieta, CA 92563 | (909) 223-2067 |
Working people need a greater voice in government.
TOM McCLINTOCK Republican Party |
1029 K Street, Suite 44 Sacramento, CA 95814 |
(916) 446-1246 |
A generation ago, California was a land of opportunity with low taxes, plentiful jobs, affordable housing, cheap electricity, and abundant clean water. Our children were secure in their homes and our families were secure in their property. We enjoyed the finest highway system in the world and the finest school system in the country. The only thing that has changed between then and now is bad public policy—and together we can fix that. During the recall election, I offered a comprehensive plan to restore California’s quality of life, and I will tenaciously pursue these reforms as Lt. Governor. For 25 years I have fought to roll back the taxes that are crushing our families, to rein in the bureaucracies that are wasting our money, to reduce the regulations that are destroying our economy, to oppose the illegal immigration that is overwhelming our services, and to restore our long-neglected public works. I began the movement to abolish California’s car tax that now saves an average family $490 in annual DMV fees. I am spearheading the effort to stop government from seizing one citizen’s property for the private gain of another. And, I continue to battle waste and fraud in Republican and Democratic administrations. Together, we can restore to our children the Golden State that our parents gave to us. Please visit my Web site at to see my proposals and to help this grassroots campaign for California’s future.
JOHN GARAMENDI Democratic Party |
P.O. Box 496 Sacramento, CA 95812 |
(916) 863-6881 |
It’s time we use the Lieutenant Governor’s office as a forceful advocate for children, hardworking families, and retired Californians. That’s my approach as Insurance Commissioner—protecting consumers, punishing fraud, and delivering results: Over $1 billion in insurance rebates—$22 billion in auto insurance savings—$24 million in additional homeowner benefits to fire victims—$46 million in insurance company fines. As Lieutenant Governor I will be the same powerful advocate—working for you to fully fund schools, helping small businesses thrive in the world marketplace, fighting to provide every Californian quality healthcare that values people before profits, and protecting women’s rights. As a University of California Regent and State University Trustee, I’ll be the guardian of higher education—promoting excellence in education, fostering research, and creating innovation. On the State Lands Commission, I’ll take the same approach I used as President Clinton’s Deputy Interior Secretary—protecting California’s magnificent coast, parks, and natural resources. I’ll address climate change by promoting conservation and alternative fuels. I oppose more oil drilling off our coasts and oppose excessive oil company profits. I’ll fight to stop corporate polluters. I’ll work with the Governor and Legislature to accomplish these goals. California’s teachers, police, firefighters, Senator Feinstein, and Al Gore share my vision and respect my independence. They endorse my candidacy. I stand by my record as Insurance Commissioner, Deputy Interior Secretary, State Senator, Academic All-American at U.C. Berkeley, Harvard MBA, Peace Corps Volunteer, husband, and father. I respectfully request your vote.
The order of the candidates is determined by random alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot. |
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