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Title and Summary | Analysis | Arguments and Rebuttals | Text of Proposed Law |
IMPROVE OUR SCHOOLS. VOTE YES ON 82—PRESCHOOL FOR ALL. REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION 82 We all want to improve our schools and help kids learn, but Proposition 82 is the wrong approach. |
The question before us is not whether expanded preschool would bring benefits to our kids, but whether California can afford to spend $2.4 billion in scarce resources on a new preschool bureaucracy that will only increase enrollment by four or five percent. A broad coalition of K–12 and preschool teachers, educators, minority groups, seniors, taxpayer groups, and businesses have studied this proposal and concluded that Proposition 82 is flawed and a bad deal for our children and for California. Here’s why: THE STATE HAS MANY OTHER PRESSING NEEDS THAT SHOULD COME FIRST, LIKE FIXING K–12 SCHOOLS • California still faces chronic budget deficits. We shouldn’t create an expensive and inefficient new preschool bureaucracy that locks in $2.4 billion per year in new spending. • $2.4 billion could fund: • 69,000 new K–12 teachers to address our teacher shortage; or • 1,200,000 computers for K–12 classrooms; or • 3,300 new classrooms to ease overcrowding and reduce class sizes AND modernization of 13,300 rundown classrooms in need of repair; or • 150 miles of new freeway lanes to ease traffic congestion; or • Healthcare for nearly 2.4 million uninsured children and adults. “We all support expanding preschool, but Proposition 82 is the wrong approach. We have more pressing needs for that money, like improving K–12 schools.” —Denise Lyon, Second Grade Teacher, Elk Grove BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR LITTLE GAIN IN ENROLLMENT • According to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst and a study by the RAND Corporation, approximately 65% of preschool age children in California already attend preschool. Proposition 82 supporters admit this measure will only increase enrollment to 70%. That’s $2.4 billion in NEW TAXES every year for a mere 4% to 5% increase in enrollment. • The Legislative Analyst predicts this program will cost as much as $8,000 per student per year for a part-time, three-hour per day program. That’s almost as much as we currently spend for full day instruction for K–12 students! NEW PRESCHOOL BUREAUCRACY MODELED AFTER TROUBLED K–12 SYSTEM • Where does the money go? Tens of millions of dollars will be spent on a huge, expanded state bureaucracy, administration, and overhead—the same education bureaucracy that runs our current K–12 system. LEGISLATURE COULD RAISE INCOME OR SALES TAXES OR IMPOSE A “PARENT TAX” IF COSTS GO UP • This new program could cost much more than $2.4 billion per year. When has government ever come in under budget? • When that happens or when tax revenues fall short, there’s a hidden provision in the fine print of Proposition 82 that allows the state to assess a fee on parents—a new “PARENT TAX.” • Proposition 82 could force the Legislature to raise taxes on all of us if the revenues aren’t enough. NO ON PROPOSITION 82: • We can’t afford a new $2.4 billion preschool bureaucracy when California has other pressing needs, like fixing K–12 schools. • There are better ways to expand preschool, without spending so much money. Please join us in voting NO on Proposition 82. DR. TOM BOGETICH, Retired Executive Director California State Board of Education PAMELA ZELL RIGG, President California Montessori Council PATRICIA ARMANINI, Third Grade Teacher San Rafael REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION 82California ranks 45th out of 50 states in reading. Why? One of the most important reasons is that we aren’t preparing our children to enter school ready to learn.Studies show that the most critical factor that determines whether children will succeed in school is the ability to read by the third grade. California’s teachers say Prop. 82 will make our children better prepared to read and learn. That’s why groups representing over 450,000 California teachers say Prop. 82 will strengthen elementary and K–12 education. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN WILL GET ACCESS TO QUALITY PRESCHOOL. The opponents are trying to mislead you by claiming that 65% of children already attend quality preschools. Wrong. Those statistics include children in daycare and babysitting. According to California’s teachers, only 20% of four-year olds are in quality preschools, with credentialed teachers prepared to meet the unique challenges of teaching young children. Prop. 82 will give over 300,000 more children a year the chance to learn. STRICT ACCOUNTABILITY—NOT WASTEFUL BUREAUCRACY Business leaders, including the Los Angeles and San Francisco Chambers of Commerce, say Prop. 82 severely limits administrative costs and provides for strict accountability, including independent audits and criminal penalties for misuse of preschool funds. • 94% of funds go directly to support preschool education. • Protects funding for K–12 schools and takes no funding from the general fund. • 99.4% of California taxpayers pay no costs. JOIN OUR BIPARTISAN COALITION OF TEACHERS, PARENTS, BUSINESS LEADERS, PEDIATRICIANS, SENIORS, AND LAW ENFORCEMENT. VOTE YES on 82. MARY BERGAN, President California Federation of Teachers SHELBI J. WILSON, 2006 California Teacher of the Year ROBERT BLACK, MD American Academy of Pediatrics, California |
Arguments printed on this page ar the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency
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