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Title and Summary | Analysis | Arguments and Rebuttals | Text of Proposed Law |
EVERY SHERIFF IN CALIFORNIA SUPPORTS THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS ACT—PROPOSITION 6 Proposition 6 is a comprehensive anti-gang and crime reduction measure that will bring more cops and increased safety to our streets, and greater efficiency and accountability to public safety programs. Proposition 6 returns taxpayers’ money to local law enforcement without raising taxes. It creates a special oversight commission to guard and protect tax dollars from waste and abuse. The California District Attorneys Association, California Police Chiefs Association, Crime Victims United, and organizations representing more than 45,000 law enforcement officers back Proposition 6 because it’s a balanced solution to California’s crime problem. CRIME, GANGS, AND VIOLENCE ARE TAKING OVER OUR STREETS Between 1999 and 2006, while the national homicide rate declined, California’s murder rate increased—accounting for nearly 500 more murders per year. In fact, California’s murder rate has become the highest among the nation’s five largest states. Gangs are a leading cause of California’s rising murder rate. According to the Attorney General, upwards of 420,000 gang members roam our streets. Convicted felons and gang members with firearms commit the majority of gun crimes, including the killing of peace officers. IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK Proposition 6 is a comprehensive plan that addresses crime and gang violence on many levels, including:
CRIME VICTIMS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AGREE—YES ON PROPOSITION 6 “Seven months ago I lost my husband to gang violence. A sheriff’s deputy, he was shot while chasing a suspect. The person who murdered my husband was a 16-year-old gang member. “This tragedy demonstrates the need for prevention and intervention so at-risk children do not turn to gangs and crime. Proposition 6 will do just this and give law enforcement the tools they need to keep all Californians safe.” — Thanh Nguyen, widow of Deputy Sheriff Vu Nguyen “Proposition 6 is a comprehensive plan that will secure funding for law enforcement, stiffen penalties for the most dangerous criminals, and improve prevention programs.” — Robert Lopez, President, San Jose Police Officer Association “The Safe Neighborhoods Act gives us the tools we need to help keep at-risk kids out of gangs.” — Jerry Powers, President, Chief Probation Officers of California VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 6 Join victims’ rights advocates and law enforcement leaders in supporting Proposition 6. Learn more by visiting LEE BACA, Sheriff REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF PROPOSITION 6 PROP. 6 WILL SPEND ONE BILLION DOLLARS ON UNPROVEN PROGRAMS WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE MONEY SPENT. Vote No on Prop. 6. The proponents of Prop. 6 never mention that it will cost taxpayers $1,000,000,000 just in the first year! That’s $1,000,000,000 not available for education, health care, fire protection, or proven public safety efforts. There’s plenty Prop. 6 will NOT do:
But Prop. 6 will definitely spend more money on prisons and jails. Prop. 6 will slow down our courts with unnecessary and costly new laws. And Prop. 6 will create more bureaucracy that duplicates programs we already have. Virtually every criminal justice study of gang problems and high crime communities calls for a coordinated balanced approach that includes community service workers, mental health, drug and alcohol services along with tough enforcement of the law. Unfortunately, Prop. 6 ignores these facts, and instead focuses on the symptoms, not the causes. We cannot afford another costly ballot measure that doesn’t solve the problem. Vote NO on Prop. 6! ROY ULRICH, Board Chair |
This November’s ballot is filled with propositions that sound good on first reading, but in reality will savage California’s economy without delivering what they promise. Prop. 6 is a good example. PROP. 6 REQUIRES MASSIVE NEW SPENDING As California faces the worst budget crisis in history, PROP. 6 INCREASES STATE SPENDING ON PRISONS AND THREATENS FUNDS FOR OTHER CRITICAL PROGRAMS Prop. 6 would require construction of new prison facilities; a cost which could exceed half a billion dollars. California already spends more than 4 times more per prisoner than per public school student. “Proposition 6 would spend billions to put children in jail and keep them there longer for ‘crimes’ like failing to update a current home address. More 14-year-old children would be tried as adults. Those billions could be spent on schools and children’s healthcare . . . programs proven to reduce crime.” — Marty Hittelman, President, California Federation of Teachers PROP. 6 WASTES MONEY ON INEFFECTIVE PROGRAMS WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY Prop. 6 spends a billion dollars each year on programs with no real oversight or accountability. These programs would be selected without a competitive process or cost-benefit analysis. The state would then have to automatically renew funding each year, whether or not the programs are working. Under Prop. 6, the largest increase in funding is for “Citizens Options for Public Safety,” a program reviewed by the state’s independent Legislative Analyst and found to have “no definable goals” and “no identifiable results.” Prop. 6 would waste billions on programs that are unproven. PROP. 6 DISRUPTS EXISTING CRIME PREVENTION EFFORTS The proponents argue that this raid on your tax dollars is needed to fight gangs. They ignore the fact that the Governor and Legislature have already taken firm steps to combat gangs and crime. Last year, Governor Schwarzenegger launched “CalGRIP,” directing state funds to law enforcement and community anti-gang programs throughout the state. CalGRIP applies a balanced approach, attacking gangs with prevention, intervention, suppression, and incarceration. Prop. 6 would completely disrupt the current progress being made in California. PROP. 6 WON’T INCREASE PUBLIC SAFETY We agree that the state can and should do more to prevent crime and increase public safety. But that’s not what Prop. 6 does. Prop. 6 pours tax dollars into unproven programs with no real oversight or accountability, robbing effective anti-crime programs of funding. PROP. 6 WOULD THREATEN SCHOOL FUNDING Prop. 6 doesn't pay for itself so there'll be less money for schools, healthcare, and other vital programs. Visit to see a list of groups opposing Prop. 6, including former law enforcement officials, taxpayer and children's groups, faith leaders, and civil rights groups. Prop. 6 is nothing more than a raid on the state treasury being marketed with public safety slogans. Vote No on Prop. 6! LOU PAULSON, President REBUTTAL TO ARGUMENT AGAINST PROPOSITION 6 Government’s first priority is the safety of its citizens. Yet our state budget does not do enough to keep our neighborhoods safe from gangs, drug dealers, and violent criminals. The Legislature consistently shortchanges local law enforcement’s fight to rid neighborhoods of violent gangs. California’s public safety spending is nearly 14% less than it was in 2003, in today’s dollars. YES on 6—RETURNS TAXPAYERS’ MONEY TO LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Proposition 6 asks voters to prioritize 1% of California’s General Fund Budget for local law enforcement without raising taxes. “The Safe Neighborhoods Act is a sound public safety investment. It measures results in gang and crime prevention with a refreshing level of accountability seldom seen in government.” — Lew Uhler, President, The National Tax Limitation Committee YES on 6—SAFER SCHOOLS FOR OUR CHILDREN Proposition 6 keeps our children safe, while education will continue to receive full funding. The ATTORNEY GENERAL reported in 2007, that “the constant presence of . . . gangs make it difficult for students to travel to and from school safely. Gangs threaten, intimidate and recruit; they shoot, rob, and assault students near school entrances . . . at bus stops.” “Proposition 6 helps keep gangs, drugs, and violence out of our schools—ensuring a safe learning environment for our children.” — Jamie Goodreau, Los Angeles County Teacher of the Year, 2003 BROAD SUPPORT FOR SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS ACT Every California sheriff, California Police Chiefs Association, California District Attorneys Association, Chief Probation Officers of California, and Hispanic American Police Command Officers support Proposition 6. VOTE YES ON 6. ROD PACHECO, District Attorney |
Arguments printed on this page are the opinions of the authors and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.
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