2321 Humboldt Ave.
Oakland, CA 94601
(510) 436-5138
Stop insurance corporation exploitation. healthforall2010.net
Peace and Freedom
7564 Watson Way
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
(916) 725-2673
Dina J. Padilla as Insurance Commissioner will be the Insurance Industry's worst nightmare. We need healthcare, not insurance companies. www.padilla4insurancecommissioner.com
14547 Titus St., #214
Panorama City, CA 91402
(818) 342-9200
As Insurance Commissioner, I'll encourage competition to lower prices. At the same time, provide oversight to assure fairness. Pointless regulation discourages competition and raises prices.
1005 12th St., Ste. H
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 349-4236
We need an Insurance Commissioner with the courage, integrity and independence to take on the insurance companies and fight to protect consumers. We need Dave Jones. The Consumer Federation of California named Dave Jones the legislature's "Consumer Champion." When Anthem Blue Cross announced premium increases of up to 39%, Dave Jones led the fight to stop the increases and prevent outrageous rate hikes in the future. Dave Jones passed legislation that stopped insurance companies from charging women higher rates than men for the same health insurance policies. He is leading the fight to rein in skyrocketing health insurance premiums. Dave Jones passed crucial legislation to prevent dependent seniors from being ripped-off by abusive caretakers. Dave Jones secured billions in new federal funds to provide health care for California families. Dave Jones was honored as California's "Most Effective Legislator" by the Capitol Weekly. The Los Angeles Times praised Jones for "the vigor he has shown in protecting consumers." The San Francisco Chronicle called him "energetic, well-informed and undaunted by the challenges of regulating a powerful industry." And the Sacramento Bee said Jones will be a "bulldog for consumers" and his "independent attitude" was "tailor-made for this important consumer protection post." As a candidate for Insurance Commissioner, Dave Jones refuses to accept contributions from insurance companies. He will have the independence to put consumers first. Dave Jones fights for us. Vote for Dave Jones for Insurance Commissioner. For more information: www.davejones2010.com
1127 11th Street, Suite 427
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 446-4898
As Insurance Commissioner, I will have three main goals: protecting you the consumer, re-building our economy and cracking down on fraud. My highest priority is ensuring that you have the peace of mind that the insurance you pay for will always be there when you need it most. I have proven I can get things done. I have already fought for and enacted major tax code reforms that encourage job development so that we can keep the jobs we desperately need in these tough times. I support cost containment measures to keep worker's compensation rates low, which reduces the cost of doing business in California. It is unfair to all of us that insurance fraud costs Californians an average of $500 per resident and causes a staggering rise in insurance premiums. I will track down and prosecute those who commit fraud, which will protect consumers and lower premiums. This year, I successfully passed a program to help thousands of Californians who have been denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. I will push for more affordable health care by allowing out-of-state insurers to compete in California, expanding state tax deductions for health, dental and vision expenses plus permitting California residents to shop for health insurance across state lines. I also favor letting people carry their health insurance between jobs. Happily married and the father of three children, I will fight hard for you, crack down on fraud and push common sense solutions to improve health care and our economy. Visit www.mikevillines.com.
The order of the statements was determined by lot. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates
and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate and is printed
at the expense of the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.