Official Voter Information Guide

Find Your Polling Place

Polling place locations are coordinated by county elections offices. Your polling place will be listed on the back cover of your county sample ballot booklet.

Many county elections offices offer polling place look-up assistance via websites or toll-free phone numbers. For more information, visit the Secretary of State's website at or call the toll-free Voter Hotline at (800) 345-VOTE (8683).

If your name does not appear on the voter list at your polling place, you have the right to cast a provisional ballot at any polling place in the county in which you are registered to vote.

Provisional ballots are ballots cast by voters who:

  • Believe they are registered to vote even though their names do not appear on the official voter registration list;
  • Believe the official voter registration list incorrectly lists their political party affiliation; or
  • Vote by mail but cannot locate their vote-by-mail ballot and want to vote at a polling place.

Your provisional ballot will be counted after elections officials have confirmed that you are registered to vote and you did not vote elsewhere in that election.

(Note: If you moved to your new address after May 24, 2010, you may vote at your old polling place.)