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Secretary of State Main Website
Elections & Voter Information
California Presidential
Primary Election
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Official Voter Information Guide
Election Results
Quick Reference Guide
Voter Information
Political Parties
Audio/Large Print
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Quick Reference Guide
Voter Information
Political Parties
Audio/Large Print
American Sign Language
Voter Bill of Rights
1. The right to vote if you are a registered voter.
2. The right to vote if you are a registered voter even if your name is not on the list.
3. The right to vote if you are still in line when the polls close.
4. The right to cast a secret ballot.
5. The right to get a new ballot if you have made a mistake.
6. The right to get help casting your ballot.
7. The right to drop off your completed vote-by-mail ballot at any polling place.
8. The right to get election materials in a language other than English.
9. The right to ask questions to elections officials about election procedures.
10. The right to report any illegal or fraudulent election activity.
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