U.S. Senate Candidate Statements

  • Serves as one of two Senators who represent California's interests in the United States Congress.
  • Proposes and votes on new national laws.
  • Votes on confirming federal judges, U.S. Supreme Court Justices, and many high-level presidential appointments to civilian and military positions.

Pamela Elizondo

Pamela Elizondo | GREEN


P.O. Box 104
Laytonville, CA 95454
Tel: (707) 354-1498
Email: pamelizondo2004@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.facebook.com/Pamela.Elizondo.USSENATE

Pamela Elizondo

Jerry J. Laws | REPUBLICAN

ConstitutionaIist. Americanism. www.lawsussenate2016.com
14411 Northstar Ave.
Victorville, CA 92392
Tel:(760) 952-0294 (home) (760) 220-9814 (cell)
Email: jerryjosephlaws2016@aol.com

Loretta L. Sanchez

Loretta L. Sanchez | DEMOCRATIC

California needs an experienced and proven leader to tackle the full range of economic, educational and security challenges we face today. Our next U.S. Senator must have extensive legislative and national security experience and share the life experiences of working people. I do, and that's why I am the best candidate for the job. I came from a union household of immigrant parents who struggled to provide for their seven children. I worked my way through college with the help of government and union grants, and the Anaheim Rotary Club paid for my MBA. I know the struggles of working families. My parents worked hard, valued education and are the only parents in American history to send two daughters to Congress. That's why I have fought passionately in Congress for 20 years for education, tuition assistance, healthcare reform, immigration reform, gender equality, LGBT rights, worker's rights, and environmental protection. I've also demonstrated independent judgment and courage when it mattered most: I voted against the Iraq War, the Patriot Act, and the bank bailouts, when few others did. As a senior member of the Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees, I've worked to ensure our troops are trained and equipped to win and cared for when they come home. I'm the only candidate with the national security experience necessary to keep America safe. As your Senator, I will fight for all Californians, so together we can have a stronger and more prosperous future. I humbly ask for your vote.
P.O. Box 6037
Santa Ana, CA 92706
Tel: (714) 774-0236
Email: info@loretta.org

Duf Sundeim

Duf Sundheim | REPUBLICAN

Economic uncertainty and terrorist attacks have created anxious times. We want action from our leaders; instead we get excessive partisanship and a divisive, ineffective government. I promise to be different. I will be bold, balanced. I will find achievable solutions. California once was the “Land of Dreams”; aspiring to compete, to achieve—and to win for ourselves and our families. But that dream is being suffocated by leaders that have taken extreme positions. The result is businesses, our neighbors and our children are leaving California. Our schools are ranked 41st in the country. Taxes keep rising, and the cost-of-living is through the roof. This bleeding has to stop. I have the experience and passion to fix this. I graduated from Stanford and Northwestern Law. I solve problems for a living. I am a federal court approved mediator and volunteer settlement judge. I was Chairman of the California Republican Party, overseeing the only successful recall of a governor, and the first to be re-elected; because we got stuff done. Leaders from every segment imaginable are supporting my vision to renew the "California Dream." Former Secretary of State George Shultz, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Cisco's John Chambers, Fresno Mayor Ashley Swearengin, The California Small Businesses Association. I am guided by the Constitution. My priorities are jobs, national security, education and water. Please visit SundheimforSenate.com for policy details. Integrity. Common sense. Results. They’re my foundation—and the foundation upon which we will bring back our "Land of Dreams."
27319 Julietta Lane
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Tel: (650) 209-0949
Email: dufsundheim37@gmail.com

Ling Ling Shi


Run for God's Heart and America's Freedom, challenge 10 giant chaos in economy and economy-related sectors.
P.O. Box 55
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729
Tel: (909) 728-0578
Email: lingling_lilyofvalley_shi@yahoo.com

Paul Merritt


California make history . . . elect an independent Senator Merritt. Elect an independent thinker. Elect the person, not the Party-in-power's. Our National government is a shambles. We need a strong USA defense. Merritt is solid on international issues. I believe in Faith, respect people and all religions. Merritt supports Senator Feinstein's boarder security fence, no offshore oil drilling, and our desert environmental protection Act. Merritt adheres that President Reagan's idea on small government is best. Background: two law degrees, broker, hotel owner, elected city councilperson. Homeowner boards: Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Orange County. Life member Nature Conservancy. Most Billionaire Republicans and Union boss Democrats don't represent you! Merritt is Independent for all Citizens. Paul Merritt is a Californian!
P.O. Box 9145
Laguna, CA 92652
Tel: (949) 249-2492
Email: electmerrittsenator@yahoo.com

Massie Munroe

Massie Munroe | DEMOCRATIC

My candidacy represents the United States Constitution, the only contract between the people of America and America's government "Of the people, By the people, For the people" to be restored and strengthened in America and extended to the UN as a contract between all people of our world through US leadership and diplomacy. International bankers, multinational corporate leaders, militaries and police must all 100% obey, comply with the Constitution of the US/UN in the Spirit of Truth, Serving All in Peace. Transforming from the Industrial Technology Age to the new "Energy Technology Era" will saturate US job markets for the next 500 years. My campaign represents ending international bankers' rule and their financial exploitation of nations; reestablishing people's rule by creating a Citizen's Bank to serve as America's central bank; ending mind control slavery; ending non-consensual human experimentation; ending hunger, homelessness and violence; protecting earth, water, air, forests, oceans and animals; practicing Christ consciousness and implementing constitutional justice under the leadership of the US/UN. Through my national and international research and political activism, I identified "mind control slavery" by satellite energy technology weapons and social engineering programs that have been in continual development for the past 50 years and facilitated their "declassification". As a result, I came under heavy sanctions that are ongoing. I request you, the voter, to rise above all untrue accusations that assail my good character and heart. See my evidence and review my service. Senator Bernie Sanders' presidency is crucial for bringing this into reality.
2167 East Chevy Chase Dr.
Glendale, CA 91206-1732
Tel: (818) 943-0661 (cell) (818) 245-6993 (office)
Email: massie@massieglobal.com

Tim Gildersleeve

Tim Gildersleeve | NO PARTY PREFERENCE

I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I stand for the poor, elderly, and disabled, environmental issues, unions, small business, and represent the average citizen. My website is: http://www.alternativevoiceforamerica.org.
Tel: (408) 915-8713
Email: timg@alternativevoiceforamerica.org

President Cristina Grappo

President Cristina Grappo | DEMOCRATIC

My education & expertise merits this prolific occupation in order to represent California, as United Senator. I hold a Democratic Party platform with key issues for gun control, human trafficking, balancing the national deficit, and foreign policy initiatives. I am mainstream Facebook in social media! My core values drive America!
P.O. Box 1307
Alameda, CA 94501

Don J. Grundmann


425 E. Merle Ct.
San Leandro, CA 94577
Tel: (510) 895-6789
Email: stoptheirs@hotmail.com

Herbert G. Peters

Herbert G. Peters | DEMOCRATIC

Andrew Jackson Democrat. Our first 70 years; our county grew and flourished. We had no income tax. Motto: Manifest Destiny. Democrat Presidents; were most wise: Andrew Jackson balanced budget seven of eight years. Franklin Pierce vetoed a federal welfare bill. To reverse downward spiral of last II8 years: balance our budget, resist war, reduce costs, reduce taxes, repeal welfare and minimum wage so all can find jobs. Churches and Charities help needful. Reduce oppression: replace income tax with sales tax. Goal: Better life for all.
Email: herb@herbpeters.com

Tom Palzer


I'm running for U.S. Senate to restore conservative government to California and the Nation. I have 32 years of experience advising elected officials at all levels of government. Priorities: National Defense, Anti-Terrorism, Economy, Veterans Affairs, Life-at-Conception.
7259 Corvina Ct., Unit 26
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739
Tel: (909) 913-9500
Email: info@us-senateseat2016.com

Greg Conlon

Greg Conlon | REPUBLICAN

I was a partner in an international accounting firm, serving clients as a CPA, and have been a business consultant to various business entities. I have my attorney's license in Washington D.C. and was a pilot in the US Air Force. I understand the economic, financial and legal challenges in balancing budgets and effectively serve the public and Veterans. In addition I am an Eagle Scout. As a Commissioner and President of the California Public Utilities Commission I was in charge of proceedings that allowed residential and commercial customers to buy electricity directly from private and community public entities not privately owned utilities. I also led an initiative that increased competition and allowed businesses to select different telecommunication providers. If elected I have three objectives: First, reduce the size of government and balance the Federal budget each year by reducing the administrative work force in Federal agencies and not replacing retired employees. Second, resolve immigration issues by strengthening our borders, enforcing the terms of visas issued to foreign citizens and reducing all Federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities. Third, provide private sector jobs by reducing the income tax rate on large businesses to 5% for cash returned to the U.S. in exchange for new job creation. I was the Republican nominee for State Treasurer in 2014 and garnered almost 3.0 million votes; I know how to run a successful General Election. I look forward to representing California and would be honored to have your vote.
3875 Bohannon Dr.
P.O. Box 2600
Menlo Park, CA 94027
Tel: (650) 315-4956
Email: conlonpg@msn.com

Karen Roseberry

Karen Roseberry | REPUBLICAN

*S.A.V.E. the future!*
Palmdale, CA
Email: karenroseberryforsenate@gmail.com

Von Hougo


"We the People" are the foundation of this great Nation. As your U.S. Senator, I will work with California-based tech companies to develop a voter-driven platform that allows you to voice your opinion on every Bill before the Senate. Each Bill will be outlined with the pros, cons, benefits, risks, and cost analysis. You can cast your vote and the statewide results will be displayed in real time. I will vote in the Senate based on the majority vote of Californians—every single time. This will ensure that I am always accountable to and working in the best interest of the people of California. This secure voting portal will enable you to have your Voice heard and your Vote count on every Bill, not just once each election cycle. You can also specify your level of involvement, choosing the issues that are important to you. Whenever a Bill is coming before the Senate, you will be sent a text or email notification. Your vote will truly matter. This platform will make our government accountable to the people of California by challenging the status quo: Political Parties, PACs and Special Interests. I will put the power back in the hands of the People, where it belongs. I look forward to working with you for a better California. For more information or to endorse my donation-free campaign, please visit von4senate.org. Your Voice. Your Vote. Your Senator. Vote Von Hougo for U.S. Senate.
27552 Mariam Pl.
Santa Clarita, CA 91350
Tel: (661) 219-3268 (661) 296-3589
Email: vonhougo@gmail.com

Jason Hanania


182 Howard St. #121
San Francisco, CA 94105
Tel: (415) 654-6291
Email: 2016@jasonhanania.com

Kamala D. Harris

Kamala D. Harris | DEMOCRATIC

My name is Kamala Harris. I am running for the United States Senate because I believe it is time to repair the ladder of opportunity for more Californians and more Americans. I am proud to be a daughter of California. I was born in Oakland. I went to California public schools. As a lifelong prosecutor, I have always served just one client: The People of California. As District Attorney of San Francisco and California Attorney General, I got things done for the People of California. I took on violent predators, including transnational criminal organizations and human traffickers who profit from exploiting women and children. I also took on the big polluters and the big banks and worked across the aisle to pass the nation's toughest anti-foreclosure law to protect our homeowners. This is the approach I will bring as your United States Senator. I will fight for the jobs our people need by bringing home federal dollars that will repair our crumbling water and transportation systems. I'll fight for better schools and to give every child access to pre-kindergarten and affordable childcare. I will fight for our veterans who deserve quality health care and job training when they come home. I'll defend our environment and coast and lead the fight against climate change. And as a career prosecutor, I will work every day to keep our people safe from terrorism at home and abroad. Please join me. Thank you for your consideration.
P.O. Box 78393
San Francisco, CA 94107
Tel: (213) 221-1269
Email: info@kamalaharris.org

Mike Beitiks


My platform is narrow. It's more of a single board, really. Federal legislators are doing nothing to protect us from the threat of climate change. I will not do nothing. I swear on the graves of future Californians that I will not sacrifice our actual climate to our political climate.

Jason Kraus


Each election Californians are saddled with the same problems, same issues, and same faces. Politicians beg for our money making promises that will never be kept. We must return to basics. Remove all forms of income tax which will increase employment, ignite our economy, and protect our way of life. I have refused all campaign contributions, will not accept a salary, and will only serve ONE term. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I am an American . . . just like you. Jason Kraus. United States Senate 2017. For more information www.aleadernotapolitician.com.
Tel: (916) 542-8721
Email: Jason@ALeaderNotAPolitician.com

Don Krampe


As a United States Marine, I served my country in combat during the Korean War. I later went on to serve our nation's veterans as the Director of the USO in Vietnam and as an assistant to a Regional Director for the Veterans Administration. In 1958 I cofounded the Hugh O'Brian Young Adult Leadership Seminars which, since its inception, has benefited hundreds of thousands of young men and women. I have earned a Masters of Public Administration from Cal Lutheran University. I believe our two-party system is dysfunctional and does not understand the acronym "'TEAM'—Together Everyone Achieves More". Our country's greatest resource is our young adults and students who must be taught "Not What to Think, But How to Think." As The American Creed so eloquently states: "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic a sovereign Nation of many Sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable: established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies." I would appreciate your consideration. To find out more visit my website: 2016krampeforsenate.com.
40581 Via Amapola
Murrieta, CA 92562
Tel: (951) 600-0542
Email: xptriumph@hotmail.com

The order of the statements was determined by randomized alphabet drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted and paid for by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.

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