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Authorizes Legislature to suspend Members, including without salary and benefits. Prohibits suspended Members from using powers of office or legislative resources. Provides suspension may end on specified date or by vote of Member's house. Fiscal Impact: No effect on state spending in most years. Minor state savings in some years.
YES A YES vote on this measure means: The State Constitution would be amended to require a two-thirds vote of the Senate or Assembly in order to suspend a state legislator. The Senate or Assembly could eliminate that legislator's salary and benefits during the suspension.
NO A NO vote on this measure means: The Senate or Assembly could still suspend a legislator with a majority vote. The suspended legislator, however, would continue to receive a state salary and benefits.
PRO Proposition 50 would give the Legislature clear authority to discipline Senators or Assembly Members by suspending them without pay. Lawmakers should be able to hold their own colleagues accountable if they breach the public's trust. This commonsense measure was placed on the ballot with strong bipartisan support.
CON Proposition 50 is a scam brought to you by those that would turn a blind eye to a culture of corruption in our State Capitol. It perpetuates that culture by allowing Legislators to remain in office after having been indicted, even convicted of a felony, allowing taxation without representation.