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Yes on Proposition 72 will prevent a property tax increase on homeowners who install rainwater recycling systems that benefit our entire state.
That is urgent because California has experienced periods of drought and will likely face more dry years in the future.
More Water, Less Taxes.
Eliminating the tax penalty for Californians who install systems to store and reuse water off our roofs will preserve more water for all of us and can lower water bills for millions of Californians. It preserves precious drinking water for California residents and enables us to draw less water from our lakes, rivers and streams, helping fish and wildlife that depend on fresh water for their habitat and food.
Supported by Outdoor and Environmental Groups.
Yes on Proposition 72 is supported by environmental groups thoughout California, including Save The Bay, Planning and Conservation League and Trout Unlimited. Water conservation and environmentally sensitive water storage are important elements of our anti-drought response.
Under current law, taxes increase when property owners make home improvements—even when such improvements have statewide benefit. Proposition 72 would allow people to install rainwater capture systems without triggering higher taxes.
Australia has experienced severe drought and has embraced rainwater recycling systems as part of their solution. Currently, one-third of the Australian homes capture rainwater from their roofs.
California voters approved a similar tax reform for solar systems. Because homeowners are not required to pay higher taxes when they install rooftop solar, our electricity costs are lower. A Yes vote on Proposition 72 would allow us to follow this exact same path.
Stop The Unfair Tax on Water Conservation!
It is unfair and unwise to raise taxes on Californians who capture rainwater from their roofs in order to conserve our drinking water. That is why the California State Senate and State Assembly, on unanimous bi-partisan votes, agreed to place this measure on the ballot.
Storing and reusing rainwater benefits all of us. People should not have to pay a tax penalty for conserving water. Please vote Yes on Proposition 72.
For further info, go to SaveCaWater.org
STEVE GLAZER, California State Senator
DAVID LEWIS, Executive Director
Save The Bay
HOWARD PENN, Executive Director
Planning and Conservation League
Arguments printed on this page are the opinions of the authors, and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.