I’m running for president because it’s time for new leadership. It’s time we have a president that puts people first. It’s time for a new commitment to make sure that the opportunities I’ve had are available for every American. As Mayor of San Antonio and U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Obama, I fought for opportunities for all Americans and successfully reduced homelessness, including reducing veteran homelessness by 30 percent while at HUD. As president, I will work hard every single day so that you can get a good job, find a decent place to live, have good health care when you need it, and your children and grandchildren can get a good education so that they can reach their dreams, no matter who you are or where you come from. Americans from all walks of life want the same thing: to do right by our families and have the promise of America fulfilled. We can promise young people that college doesn’t have to equal a future of crushing debt. We can promise our seniors that they can count on a life of dignity. We can promise our veterans that they’ll be respected and honored when they come home. We can promise people of color that they are safe, and promise immigrants that they are welcome. And by working together, America can be the smartest, healthiest, fairest, and most prosperous nation on Earth in the 21st Century.
P.O. Box 501
San Antonio, TX 78292
(210) 332-5310
Facebook: @julianforthefuture
Instagram: @juliancastrotx
Twitter: @juliancastro
My campaign slogan, "A Time for New Hope" means with my young family at my side, I will usher in a new era of politics focused on the future and what we can achieve together. I support progressive values with a path to prosperity for the majority of our citizens and will lead from an altruistic belief and care for our families, friends and neighbors. My platform, Moral Deal will introduce reforms for climate change, K–12 education, a sustainable economy for all, fair taxes, renewed corporate values, single-payer healthcare and a revitalized infrastructure. We all must collectively own these responsibilities to be freer, safer, happier and create a brighter future.
I am one of the youngest and most politically inexperienced candidates but my faith and Midwestern values have shaped my grit, integrity and ability to connect with people from all walks of life and understand the needs of progressives, moderates and conservatives like no other current candidate. There are certain qualities more important than political experience which presidents must possess to be successful and I have them. A president's character, stamina, decisiveness, willingness to listen to advisors balanced with his own judgement has led to true measures of achievement. I will set a moral standard for the nation and be a solid rock for all citizens in times of trouble. I will build coalitions domestically, internationally use diplomacy first and always stand up for our American values at home and abroad.
Support and join my campaign at www.michaelellinger.com or www.moraldeal.com.
P.O. Box 48881A
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Instagram: Instagram.com/michaele1love
Twitter: twitter.com/michaele1love
Elizabeth Warren grew up in Oklahoma on the ragged edge of the middle class. Her dad sold fencing and carpeting at Montgomery Ward, and ended up as a janitor. She has three older brothers who served in the military. When Elizabeth was twelve, her dad suffered a heart attack, putting him out of work. The medical bills piled up and they had lost the family station wagon, when her mom got a minimum wage job answering the phones at Sears. That job saved their home, and it saved their family, but now the minimum wage can’t support a mama and a baby.
Elizabeth has spent her career studying why America's middle class has been hollowed out. She fearlessly takes on giant corporate special interests like big banks and credit card companies that cheat consumers and undermine small businesses. She goes after shady for-profit schools that rip off students, veterans, and taxpayers. She relentlessly fights to end the influence of big money in politics. And her plans target California’s biggest issues, like investing in affordable housing, fighting climate change, cancelling student loan debt for millions, and creating a pathway to citizenship for families.
Elizabeth got to become a teacher, a law professor, and the senior senator from Massachusetts because America invested in kids like her. She is in this fight to build an America that works for everyone.
Elizabeth and her husband Bruce have been married for 38 years and have three grandchildren and a golden retriever named Bailey.
Facebook: Elizabeth Warren
Instagram: @elizabethwarren
Twitter: @ewarren
No candidate statement submitted
As a proud American born and raised in California, I care deeply about our state and Country. My goal is to challenge the status quo and champion progressive ideals and democratic reform on behalf of the people.
America is a melting pot. With my Mexican and Persian ancestry, I don’t have to pretend to understand minority issues, because I have experienced them firsthand. I will work hard to make Washington celebrate our differences rather than use them to divide us.
As President, I will fight for and champion the causes of the communities that have been left behind and forgotten by career politicians. I will fight for greater access to education and higher teacher pay, expand and protect affordable healthcare and housing, and I will fight to keep our good union jobs here in America. I will work to create more jobs with fair wages and better working conditions.
We must protect our hard won entitlement programs that provide a safety net for the elderly, the disabled, and the working poor. We cannot stand by as the funding for these programs is cut or eliminated.
We must protect our hard won entitlement programs that provide a safety net for the elderly, the disabled, and the working poor. We cannot stand by as the funding for these programs is cut or eliminated.
We must protect our hard won entitlement programs that provide a safety net for the elderly, the disabled, and the working poor. We cannot stand by as the funding for these programs is cut or eliminated.
17292 Camino de Montecillo
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
(858) 568-6948
Social Media: @RoqueDeLaFuenteIII
No candidate statement submitted
Senator Amy Klobuchar has always been guided by the values she learned growing up in Minnesota. Her grandpa worked 1,500 feet underground in the iron ore mines of northern Minnesota. Her dad was a newspaperman and her mom was an elementary school teacher who taught second grade until she was 70.
Her daughter, Abigail, was sick when she was born. Even though Abigail was in intensive care because of insurance rules, Senator Klobuchar was discharged from the hospital after just 24 hours. She took that experience and became the leading advocate for the successful passage of one of the first laws in the country guaranteeing 48-hour hospital stays for moms and their babies.
She served as the Hennepin County Attorney for eight years and in 2006 became the first woman elected to the U.S. Senate in Minnesota’s history. In the Senate, she has worked hard to get things done, passing over 100 bills as the lead Democrat.
Senator Klobuchar is known for taking on big interests to bring down everyday costs for families and protect consumers. She is working to deliver economic justice to Americans -- focusing on housing, childcare, retirement security and education -- and fighting to protect voting rights. As part of her campaign, she has released a plan outlining over 100 concrete steps she will take in her first 100 days as President to take on the biggest challenges we face, including health care, shared economic prosperity, climate change and restoring America's standing in the world.
P.O. Box 18360
Minneapolis, MN 55418
(612) 927-3400
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amyklobuchar
Instagram: amyklobuchar
Twitter: @amyklobuchar
I am running for president as part of an unprecedented grassroots campaign to not only take back the White House, but to build a movement to finally make the progressive change we need.
Our campaign is about taking on the powerful special interests that dominate our economic and political life, including Wall Street, health insurance corporations, the pharmaceutical industry, the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, and the private prison industry. Our campaign is building a movement to end racism, sexism, homophobia, religious bigotry and all forms of discrimination. Our campaign is about the humane and just treatment of immigrants. Our campaign is about transforming our country and creating a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice. Our campaign is about creating a government and an economy that work for the many, not just the few. Our campaign is about guaranteeing health care as a human right.
Make no mistake about it. Special interests with extreme wealth have unbelievable power and they want to maintain the status quo. The only way we will win this election and create a government and economy that work for all is with a grassroots movement — the likes of which has never been seen in American history. They may have the money and power. We have the people.
Together we can create a nation that leads the world in the struggle for peace and for economic, racial, social and environmental justice.
P.O. Box 391
Burlington, VT 05402
(802) 862-1505
Facebook: www.facebook.com/berniesanders
Instagram: www.instagram.com/berniesanders
Twitter: twitter.com/BernieSanders
Snapchat: www.snapchat.com/add/bernie.sanders
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCH1dpzjCEiGAt8CXkryhkZg
No candidate statement submitted
Tom Steyer is running for President because big corporations have bought our democracy, and it's time we put the American people back in charge. That's the only way we will get progressive policies on health care, a fair economy, climate change, and many other important issues facing our country.
Tom is proposing big reforms, like term limits, and is the only candidate who has made the climate crisis his number one priority. Tom will use his experience of building a successful international business to grow our economy and ensure that it works for everyone, not just the top 1%. He's the Democratic candidate best prepared on the economy.
Tom stepped down from his successful business in 2012 to focus his energy and resources on combating climate change, mobilizing young people to vote, and starting the Need to Impeach movement. He and his wife Kathryn Taylor, known as "Kat," were among the first to take the Giving Pledge, a commitment to give a bulk of their fortune away to good causes during their lifetimes.
In California, Tom's taken on oil and gas companies and beaten them, helping pass major climate legislation that created clean energy jobs and provided safe drinking water to low-income Californians across the state. He and Kat founded a non-profit bank to provide loans and economic opportunity to women and people of color.
Tom and Kat live in San Francisco, California.
P.O. Box 626
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 757-6600
Facebook: facebook.com/officialtomsteyer/
Instagram: Instagram.com/tomsteyer
Twitter: @TomSteyer
No candidate statement submitted
A different temperament. A different set of values. A new direction that will unify the American people.
The future of our kids has to be part of every decision we make. Our kids don't have time for us to waste fighting a losing battle for the next 10 years on a Medicare for All plan that would take insurance away from millions of people and cost trillions of dollars. They don't need more empty promises of free stuff. Instead, we need to cover everyone in three years and lower costs with the option of buying a government healthcare plan; create economic opportunity; end childhood poverty; and build a climate solution that lasts a generation.
It's up to us to leave more, not less, to the next generation, and that's why I'm running for President — to expand opportunities to every American and build a better future for all of us.
P.O. Box 44494
Denver, CO 80202
(970) 460-6545
Facebook: facebook.com/michaelbennet
Twitter: twitter.com/michaelbennet
Mike Bloomberg is an entrepreneur and three-term mayor of New York City whose innovations in business, government, and philanthropy have made him a pioneering leader on critical issues facing America and the world. He has launched major coalitions to save and improve lives, including America's largest campaigns to prevent gun violence and fight the climate crisis, and he has championed efforts to fix our immigration system.
Elected mayor just weeks after the attacks of September 11, 2001, Mike led New York City's resurgence. He spearheaded the rebuilding of Lower Manhattan, fought poverty with new programs that became national models, and turned around a failing school system. Mike reduced carbon emissions by 14 percent, increased New Yorkers' life expectancy by three years, and cut crime by a third while reducing incarceration by 39 percent. Despite the national recession, he led the city to record job growth.
After his third term, Mike resumed leadership of Bloomberg LP, the technology and media company he founded in 1981. Bloomberg LP now employs some 20,000 people.
Through Bloomberg Philanthropies, Mike applies a unique, data-driven approach to drive progress in five focus areas—education, the environment, public health, government innovation, and the arts. He has given away $10 billion.
Mike grew up in a middle-class home in Medford, Massachusetts. He took out government loans and worked his way through school, graduating from Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Business School. He is the father of two daughters, Emma and Georgina, and has two grandchildren.
909 Third Ave, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10022
(212) 205-7446
Facebook: @TeamMike2020
Instagram: @mike2020
Twitter: @mike2020
The first American woman to run for president announced her candidacy on April 2, 1870. She and successive candidates deserve our thanks. On April 2, 2020, Madam President PAC (www.madam-president.com/our-history.html) will celebrate the 150-year anniversary of women running for president. That's a long time to wait our turn!
For 20 years, I've focused on electing women to The White House. I helped launch Carol Moseley Braun's presidential campaign—hosting events in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina on President's Day weekend 2003. After promoting Hillary Clinton for 15 years, I knocked on doors in Iowa, New Hampshire and Ohio in 2016. On President's Day 2019, I hosted The Madam President Forum at Living History Farms in Iowa, presenting Winning Hearts and Minds for Her to representatives of four campaigns.
To win the presidency, we need to work as a team—like Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer did in 1992. We need blockers, receivers, and quarterbacks who can pass, run and hand off the ball when needed to get across the finish line. Yes, we can and will win the presidency—with a long-term plan.
In 2020, I'm running for president to rebuild patriotism by uniting Americans around our shared values. We all love our country. We're all children of God. There's a lot that unites us. The strength of America lives in the heart of every American. It's time we start focusing again on our shared values. Throughout our nation's history, calling on our Creator for strength consistently leads us forward towards truth and justice.
To protect our nation now, we must call upon our Holy Spirit for true grit to win this election. For more, visit www.MosieBoyd.com.
2008 South T Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
(479) 353-9961
Social Media: @ElectMosieBoyd
Cory Booker has spent his career working in public service, bringing uncommon coalitions together to create uncommon results: starting as a tenants' rights lawyer fighting on behalf of low-income families, going door-to-door to beat the political machine and win a seat on Newark, New Jersey's city council, then becoming mayor of the city and ushering it into its biggest period of economic development in a generation. Now, as the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate from NJ, Cory has helped pass laws that are combating mass incarceration and directing investment into vulnerable communities.
This election is about how we can pull together and heal America after years of hatred and division. Cory is running for president to repair the damage done by this administration and make justice and opportunity real for every American. Throughout this campaign, Cory has shown that he has the record, the ideas, and the commitment to take on our toughest challenges—from the gun violence epidemic to the crisis of climate change, a broken criminal justice system, and a broken immigration system—because he has spent his entire career running at the toughest challenges. He is the candidate in this race who can unite Democrats around our shared values and restore our sense of common purpose, expanding opportunity, and ensuring justice every American.
PO Box 32009
Newark, NJ 07102
(973) 310-7253
Facebook: www.facebook.com/corybooker/
Instagram: @corybooker
Twitter: @CoryBooker
In an election that will decide who will lead the country after the current administration, Pete Buttigieg will be a president ready to pick up the pieces of our divided nation, gather up an American majority that is hungry to break with the politics of the past, and launch the era that must come next.
As a Midwesterner, mayor, and veteran, Pete offers a different vision of politics and government than we see coming out of Washington, DC.
Born in South Bend to a first-generation immigrant from Malta and a fifth-generation Hoosier, Pete grew up in an industrial city the national press had written off as "dying," but Pete knew with fresh ideas and a new approach to politics the city could thrive again. Pete reformed government, attracted new business, and made smart investments in the city. Under his leadership, household income rose by nearly a third, poverty fell by a third, and unemployment was cut in half.
During Pete's first term as mayor, he took a leave of absence to deploy to Afghanistan as a lieutenant in the Navy. There he witnessed that when you bring Americans from different backgrounds together in common purpose you form the strongest fighting force on earth.
That's why Pete is offering a new kind of leadership that rallies the American people together behind bold ideas to finally take on climate change, gun violence, stagnant wages, and the other urgent challenges we face before it's too late.
P.O. Box 1126
South Bend, IN 46624
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/petebuttigieg1/
Twitter: @petebuttigieg
Former Vice President Joe Biden believes we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. The stakes in this election couldn't be higher.
Joe's parents instilled in him that when you see an abuse of power, it's your obligation to stand up to combat it. That's motivated him his entire life – as Senator from Delaware for 36 years and President Obama's Vice President for 8 years.
Joe stood shoulder to shoulder with President Obama to pass the Affordable Care Act, expanding health care for 20 million people. He wrote and passed the Violence Against Women Act, when domestic violence was considered a family matter. He took on the NRA and won — twice — including passing the assault weapons ban. And, he started talking about climate change as a moral issue of our time far before it was a mainstream issue.
His vision for America is based on equal opportunity for all. Treating everyone with dignity. A middle class where everyone - regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability - comes along.
As president, Joe will expand on the historic progress of the Obama-Biden administration and rebuild a strong, inclusive middle class. He'll protect and build on Obamacare with a public option. He'll restore our standing in the world.
Joe has a proven ability to bring people together and to deliver for the middle class. At this defining moment in our nation's history, it's going to take Joe's strong leadership to unite America and move our country forward.
PO Box 58174
Philadelphia, PA 19102
(206) 849-1804
Social Media: @JoeBiden
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No candidate statement submitted
The order of the statements was determined by randomized drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy. Each statement was voluntarily submitted by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.