California students have experienced tough times these last few years. As your State Superintendent, I led efforts to steer schools through the pandemic, including securing one million computers and billions in funding to close the Internet gap, and to provide resources to keep our schools open and our students safe. As we work to overcome the challenges that students faced during the pandemic, I am proud to have secured new resources to help our students heal and recover. This includes funding to hire 10,000 mental health clinicians, pre-school slots for every 4-year-old, and free school meals for every hungry student. As a public school parent who has spent 14 years teaching life skills and civics, running after-school and mental health programs and advocating for students, I'm committed to partnering with parents to guide the educational needs of our students. I am leading efforts to make sure students thrive, including ensuring all students learn to read by third grade and providing computer science training and dual language immersion opportunities. I will stand up to those who seek to privatize public education and to those who attack LGBTQ youth, students of color, and low-income youth. I will work to address inequities in education and ensure that all students receive a first-rate education and a chance at a great life. I am honored to be endorsed by California's teachers, nurses, and firefighters, along with the California Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood, Equality California, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Alex Padilla. I would be honored to have your vote this November.
P.O. Box 2145
Richmond, CA 94802
Tel: (510) 859-3241
Twitter: @TonyThurmond
Instagram: @TonyThurmondSPI
LinkedIn: tonythurmond4spi
California public schools are failing by every measure. Our children are ill-prepared for the 21st Century economy despite spending $23,893 per public school student this year. California ranks 50th in literacy. Eighth graders are doing fifth-grade math. During the lockdowns, California schools remained closed longer than any other state, and almost 300,000 students left our public schools. Entrenched special interests disregard parents while prioritizing failed teaching fads and embracing radical curricula. This must stop. As a father of 5, a former teacher, an education policy executive, and a drafter of the school choice initiative, I'll take my two decades of policy, legislative, and budgetary experience and add parents into the education equation. I'll demand excellence from our local school districts and push for education reforms benefting students, not special interests. We must protect our children in the classroom. I'll prioritize safe schools. I would be honored to earn your vote as the next Superintendent of Public Instruction. I am committed to remaking California education the envy of the world.
P.O. Box 516
Wheatland, CA 95692
Tel: (916) 572-8298
The order of the statements was determined by randomized drawing. Statements on this page were supplied by the candidates and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency. The views and opinions expressed by the candidates are their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Secretary of State’s office. Each statement was voluntarily submitted and paid for by the candidate. Candidates who did not submit statements could otherwise be qualified to appear on the ballot.