Water Quality |
$1,525 |
- Integrated regional water management.
1,000 |
380 |
- Delta and agriculture water quality.
145 |
Protection of Rivers, Lakes, and Streams |
$928 |
279 |
- Other projects—public access, river parkways, urban stream restoration, California Conservation Corps.
189 |
- Delta and coastal fisheries restoration.
180 |
- Restoration of the San Joaquin River.
100 |
- Restoration projects related to the Colorado River.
90 |
- Stormwater polution prevention.
90 |
Flood Control |
$800 |
- State flood control projects—evaluation, system improvements, flood corridor program.
315 |
- Flood control projects in the Delta.
275 |
- Local flood control subventions (outside the Central Valley flood control system).
180 |
- Floodplain mapping and assistance for local land use planning.
30 |
Sustainable Communities and Climate Change Reduction |
$580 |
- Local and regional parks.
400 |
- Urban water and energy conservation projects.
90 |
- Incentives for conservation in local planning.
90 |
Protection of Beaches, Bays, and Coastal Waters |
$540 |
- Protection of various coastal areas and watersheds.
360 |
90 |
- California Ocean Protection Trust Fund—marine resources, substainable fisheries, and marine wildlife conservation.
90 |
Parks and Natural Education Facilities |
$500 |
- State park system—acquisition, development, and restoration.
400 |
- Nature education and research facilities.
100 |
Forest and Wildlife Conservation |
$450 |
- Wildlife habitat protection.
225 |
180 |
- Protection of ranches, farms, and oak woodlands.
45 |
Statewide Water Planning |
$65 |
- Planning for furture water needs, water conveyance systems, and flood control projects.
65 |
Total |
$5,388 |