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Title and Summary | Analysis | Arguments and Rebuttals | Text of Proposed Law |
PROP 89 |
CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT. VOTE “YES” ON PROPOSITION 89, THE CLEAN MONEY AND FAIR ELECTIONS ACT We have a crisis of corruption in our government marked by scandal after scandal and criminal investigations of politicians from both parties. It is time for Californians to clean up this corruption and make politicians accountable to voters instead of big money campaign contributors. THE PROBLEM Right now, special interests like big oil companies, the drug giants, the insurance industry, and HMOs can get their way in Sacramento by donating millions to elect politicians who will owe them favors. Lobbyists and special interests use campaign contributions to pass their pork barrel projects and create tax loopholes—costing consumers and taxpayers like you billions of dollars each year. THE SOLUTION: PROPOSITION 89 If you’re dissatisfied with the way campaigns are funded in California and the effect of campaign contributions on state government, Vote Yes on Prop. 89. YOUR “YES” VOTE WILL:
Proposition 89 is specifically funded by a modest increase in the corporate income tax rate—raising it from 8.84% to 9.04%. The resulting corporate income tax rate would still be less than it was from 1980 until 1996. Corporations should pay their fair share in taxes. WHEN YOU HEAR THE ARGUMENTS AGAINST PROPOSITION 89, REMEMBER:
DEBORAH BURGER, RN, President California Nurses Association HARVEY ROSENFIELD, Founder Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights SUSAN LERNER, Executive Director California Clean Money Campaign
Here’s what you should know before voting: PROPOSITION 89 IS A TAX INCREASE TO PAY FOR POLITICIANS’ NEGATIVE POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS The supporters of Proposition 89 won’t tell you that what this measure really does, plain and simple, is raise taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars so politicians can run their campaigns at taxpayers’ expense. Everything we don’t like about political campaigns— negative television ads and junk mail in our mailboxes— would still be there. The only difference is OUR TAX DOLLARS would be paying for it. AFFECTS SMALL BUSINESSES TOO They claim that Proposition 89 is about reducing the impact of big corporations in elections, but it also SEVERELY LIMITS the ability of many small businesses from backing candidates or impacting measures. That’s why the California Small Business Association opposes Prop. 89. PROP. 89 IS COMPLICATED AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL They say Prop. 89 was crafted by election experts, but they don’t tell you that major portions of a similar measure were recently thrown out by the Supreme Court. The truth—Prop. 89 is a complicated, 55-page measure that won’t work. PROP. 89 IS UNFAIR And the biggest deception of all—the authors of Proposition 89 are special interests too! They wrote Prop. 89 so they can still contribute BIG MONEY to ballot initiatives, while small businesses, nonprofits, and others are virtually SHUT OUT. Prop. 89 is a power grab by a single special interest to dominate elections under the guise of campaign reform. DON’T BE FOOLED BY PROP. 89—IT’S PHONY REFORM. VOTE NO ON PROP. 89. LARRY McCARTHY, President California Taxpayers’ Association BETTY JO TOCCOLI, Chair California Small Business Roundtable JAMES M. HALL, Former Chair California Fair Political Practices Commission |
Don’t be fooled by Proposition 89. Prop. 89 is NOT about
cleaning up politics. But, it is 56 pages of new, complicated,
confusing election rules that won’t work.
Elections should be decided by voters, not special interests. Elections should be about the best ideas, not who has the most money. Vote YES on Proposition 89 for fair and clean elections. Proposition 89: • Levels the playing field and makes our elections fairer and more competitive. Advocates for crime victims, education, healthcare, seniors, and other regular Californians will no longer be drowned out by big campaign spenders. • Saves taxpayers money by ending the incentive for legislative giveaways on lobbyist-driven projects. The $3.3 billion in corporate tax loopholes today cost each California household $275 every year. • Provides the antidote to negative advertising. Candidates who accept public financing must participate in real debates and cannot hide behind negative 30-second ads. • Does not increase taxes on individuals. Small businesses will not foot the bill. • Creates a Clean Money public financing system like those in other states that protects free speech and has been proven to be effective and constitutional. • Opens our elections to a diversity of qualified candidates from all walks of life, like teachers, nurses, and firefighters, not just those with access to the most money. • Sets tough penalties for those who violate the law. The special interests oppose Prop. 89 because they like the control they have over our political system today. As a Los Angeles Times headline said, “Prop. 89: So Good It’s Scary—to Sacramento.” It is time to put the voters back in charge. VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 89. JACQUELINE JACOBBERGER, President League of Women Voters of California RICHARD L. HASEN, JD, Ph.D., Constitutional Election Law Professor KATHAY FENG, Executive Director California Common Cause |
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