Party |
Republican |
Green |
Peace and Freedom |
Libertarian |
American Independent |
Democratic |
The Republican Party is committed to improving our quality of life in every part of California. We're working to achieve this by creating jobs, improving schools, keeping communities safe, and improving the state's health care and environment.
Top Priorities:
- Promoting an economy that creates new job opportunities for all Californians
- Improving our state's education and health care systems to improve our quality of life
- Protecting taxpayers by limiting taxes and forcing government to live within its means
Join us in building a better California that provides opportunity for families today and for future generations.
The Republican Party has over 5.3 million members in California. For more information, call 818-841-5210 or visit http://www.cagop.org.
The California Republican Party | (818) 841-5210 | |
Ron Nehring, Chairman | Website: www.cagop.org | |
Ronald Reagan California Republican Center | ||
1903 West Magnolia Boulevard Burbank, CA 91506 |
Voting Green for president is voting for the only national party that:
- Supports immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, closing Guantanamo, and ending the anti-civil liberties Patriot Act.
- Supports immediate, strong measures to address climate change through efficiency, conservation, and clean renewable energy.
- Supports universal healthcare.
- Openly acknowledges the 2000 Florida election process was stolen and led the 2004 Ohio recount.
- Supports voter verifiable auditable paper trails and open source coding for computer voting machines to mitigate future election fraud.
- Supports abolishing the outdated Electoral College and replacing it with a national popular vote.
- Supports instant runoff voting to allow voters to rank candidates, protecting majority rule and voter choice.
- Supports 100% public financing of campaigns; free time for candidates on our publicly owned radio and TV airwaves; and repeal of unfair ballot access laws that privilege major parties and obstruct third parties and independents.
- Supports proportional representation, same-day voter registration, and a constitutional right to vote.
- Opposes the early primary scheduling shuffle that rewards big money/media campaigns at the expense of community-based, grassroots organizing.
- Supports more than just two voices in the general election presidential debates.
- Supports living wages, immigrants' rights, and education not incarceration.
Green Party of California | (916) 448-3437 | |
P.O. Box 2828, Sacramento, CA 95812 | E-mail: gpca@cagreens.org | |
Website: www.cagreens.org |
The Peace and Freedom Party of California stands for democracy, cooperation, and sharing. We want to organize and educate the public to work together to meet human needs.
The party believes the role of government should be to make sure that everyone has jobs, housing, education, health care, and equal rights. We support marriage equality, immigration rights, organized labor, and universal single-payer health care. We oppose the current U.S. military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our top priorities are:
- Bring all troops home now.
- Double the minimum wage.
- One system of free, quality health care for all.
More information about Peace and Freedom Party can be found on www.peaceandfreedom.org.
Peace and Freedom Party of California | (510) 465-9414 (323) 759-9737 | |
5960 South Land Park Drive #385 Sacramento, CA 95822 |
Website: www.peaceandfreedom.org | |
The Libertarian Party is America's best choice for government. Like you, we have jobs, businesses, families, and dreams. We've entered the political arena to restore liberty and American values. We're working toward a government that taxes and spends less and won't interfere with your personal life.
If you describe yourself as socially tolerant and fiscally responsible, you're a Libertarian!
We believe that you, not the government, should decide how to run your life, checkbook, retirement, education, and family.
The Libertarian Party supports your right to:
- Keep what you earn. Reduce or eliminate taxes whenever possible.
- Run your own business and enjoy your property. Reducing regulations and paperwork creates more jobs, higher pay, and lower prices.
- Educate your children as you see fit.
- Choose your own lifestyle. The government shouldn't consider you a criminal because of your choices in relationships, recreation, or medical treatment.
- Truly equal treatment under the law regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, or personal characteristics.
- Own a firearm. Self-defense is a right, not a political favor.
We're the third largest political party in the U.S. with more party members in elected offices than all other minor parties combined. Join us today!
Libertarian Party of California | (877) 884-1776 | |
14547 Titus Street, Suite 214 Panorama City, CA 91402-4935 |
E-mail: office@ca.lp.org Website: www.ca.lp.org |
The American Independent Party is the party of ordered liberty in a nation under God. We believe in strict adherence to written law. We believe the Constitution is the contract America has with itself. Its willful distortion has led to the violation of our Tenth-Amendment-guaranteed right to limited government—which inevitably requires oppressive taxation. Its application will lift that burden.
Freed from the lawless oppression of Liberal rule we may then compassionately and justly use our energy and ingenuity to provide for ourselves and our families. We will then establish truly free and responsible enterprise and reassert the basic human right to property.
We believe in protecting all human life however weak, defenseless, or disheartened; endorse the family as the essential bulwark of liberty, compassion, responsibility, and industry; and declare the family's right and responsibility to nurture, discipline, and educate their children.
We assert the absolute, concurrent Second-Amendment-guaranteed right of individuals to self-defense coupled with a strong common defense, a common defense which requires a national sovereignty not damaged by imprudent treaties. We oppose all illegal immigration. We support secure borders and immigration policies that invite the best of the world to join us in freedom.
American Independent Party | (530) 743-6878 | |
Ed Noonan, State Chair | Website: www.aipca.org | |
1561 N. Beale Rd., Marysville, CA 95901-6812 | ||
With Iraq in a quagmire and the economy hurting, led by the housing crisis, America needs change.
After our primary, Democrats and Independents must rally around our nominee to ensure the change we need.
Democrats have long fought to create a vibrant economy, improve education, ensure public safety and national security, expand access to health care, and help the struggling middle class.
Democratic accomplishments and priorities under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi include:
- First minimum wage increase in 10 years
- Education reform to ensure America leads the world in research and technology
- A military pay raise
- New quality care standards for wounded troops and veterans
- 50,000 new police officers
- Tough rules to establish highest ethical standards in Congressional history
- Responsible economic stimulation and job security for working Americans
- A woman's right to choose
- Protection of Social Security and Medicare
- An end to the war in Iraq
- Greater energy independence
California Democratic Party | (916) 442-5707 / 5715 Fax | |
Senator Art Torres (Ret.), Chairman | (310) 407-0980 / 0981 Fax | |
1401 21st Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95811 |
E-mail: info@cadem.org Website: www.cadem.org |
The order of the statements was determined by lot. Statements on this page were supplied by the political parties and have not been checked for accuracy by any official agency.
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